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Tuesday, 14 February 2017

14/Feb/17 where is all the snow coming from

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

My forever home is not like those new R2000 homes.  You can feel the wind when it blows outside.  You can hear the wind howling from the fireplaces.

When you try to look out the living room windows, you can't see anything cause the snow is in those windows.  I will have to wait for that snow to melt so that I can see outside again.

Tonya tried to put me out the back door so that I could go pee.  Well there is a snow drift.  I stepped out and immediately sunk into the snow drift.  I don't have snow shoes for paws.  I went right up to my chest and would have kept on going deeper and deeper.  I didn't like that very much.  Tonya helped me get back in the house and she put me out on the back deck.

The wind has kept the back deck clean.  No snow has accumulated on it.

Same with the front deck.  No snow on it either.

Can't say the same for the Big Guy's garage though.  There is a deep snow drift and he will have to dig out the garage door so that he can get to his snow blower.

I bet he is glad that he wasn't outside snowblowing the yard.  What a waste of time it would have been.  Just as fast as he would have been blowing the snow, the blowing snow would fill it back in.

They didn't loose power last night.  Which they are REALLY happy about.  The Big Guy wears a CFPAF mask at night.  Helps him breath when he is sleeping.  Since he is on this Keto way of eating, he is going to loose weight.  I wonder if he will get to a point where he doesn't need that mask any longer?

I get to be with Tonya and the Big Guy all day today.  They will both be working from home.  But I will need to be quiet.  I can't bark and make a fuss while they are working.  Otherwise, I know that I will be spending some time in the kennel.

Bye bye for now.

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