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Tuesday, 21 February 2017

21/Feb/17 over 10,000 views

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I don't know why, but the Big Guy wants to call me Harry Houdini.

Last night, when Tonya put me outside, I went to the length of my lead and then started going backwards.  I pulled and pulled and pulled.

Tonya was looking at something that was on the Big Guy's computer and she seen me running around the front yard.  I WAS FREE!

It took them a few minutes to get me back in the house again.

The Big Guy got a hold of my harness and he has made it extra tight.  But now they are putting me on the deck when I feel that I need to spend time outside.  The Big Guy says that he and Tonya have to be with me when I go outside from now on.

The Big Guy sprayed his cologne all over the wooden rails on the back deck.  Now they don't taste so good.  But I found some new siding to chew on.  Yesterday he "painted" the shingles with hot sauce.

I smelled the hot sauce and I am pretty sure that I don't want to lick it.

Looks like we got some snow and rain in the forecast.  I like the snow, but the Big Guy likes the rain.  He said it's something to do with not having to shovel the rain.  All's I know, they better put some salt down in their driveway.  I was slipping around yesterday.  Same with their front walk way.  They better put salt there too.

Bye bye for now

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