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Sunday, 19 February 2017

19/Feb/17 I will just lay here and be in the way

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Every time I lay down, I seem to be in the way of some one.  I am always been shooed away.  I lay on the furniture, they yell at me to get down.  I lay in the doorway, they need to get through.  I lay on the stairs, they want to go either upstairs or downstairs.  What's a dog got to do to get any peace?

It's warm out for this time of year.  It's +1 and raining a little bit.  Not raining hard.  Although I am pretty sure that the Big Guy would want it to rain really hard and melt a lot of the snow.

Yesterday he went outside with a shovel and his snow blower.  He widened up the snow banks on either side of his driveway.  He moved some of the snow coming in the driveway the other night.  So he knew he has to push the snow banks back a bit.

Tonya has been talking about shoveling off the back deck.  That is a thankless job.  Or at least that is what the Big Guy says.  

He says a lot of stuff.

Other times, he just tries to use hand signals with me.

The other day, he was pointing at the TV.  I just stared at his finger.  

He tried to point using a "knife hand" gesture.  So I went to him and licked his hand.

Then he grabbed my head and turned it around.  I wasn't too happy about that.  He doesn't often play fight with me, so I didn't know what he wanted.

That's when I seen a doggie on TV.

But then the doggie went away.  So I went and found a place to lay down.  In the way of course.

Bye bye for now.

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