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Wednesday, 8 February 2017

8/Feb/17 how about if I just pee on this little deck

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

To me, snow is snow.  I am not sure what's under the snow all the time.  Yesterday when the Big Guy was cleaning up the snow that fell, he was finding that I have been peeing on the little deck going into the house.

Perhaps if he put some salt down and cleaned off the snow, I may see that it's the deck that I am peeing on.

Tonya made spaghetti squash last night.  The Big Guy was SUPER impressed.  He never had it before and he LOVED it.  He told his Mum, spaghetti squash has got more pasta taste than real pasta.

After he was done having supper, he realized what a mistake he did...  he ate beef.  He is supposed to do this medical test where they need to take stool samples.  Why don't they call it "Shit Samples", just like what it is?  (Sorry if anyone is offended)  Poking at the poo, giving some to the Lab to test.

Anyways, he isn't supposed to have beef, cauliflower and a few other things.  He can't eat any of that for 3 days prior to the test and then it takes 3 consecutive days of samples.  You can bet he is going to have steak when he is all done.

It is going to rain today.  But not just yet.  Right now it's -13 out.  Then it goes to +6 this afternoon.

It's going to be a mess when it freezes later on.

Bye bye for now.

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