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Thursday, 2 February 2017

2/Feb/17 Ground Hog Day, well hello Bill Murray

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

It's throw back Thursday.  Did you say...  awww when you see my picture?

Was I ever this small?  Well, I guess I was.  

So the snow is falling outside.  Not a lot.  Just enough to make everything white again.  It looks like we are supposed to get a light dusting of snow each day now for the next week or more.  Of course the Big Guy isn't too upset that he isn't able to use his snow blower like he did before.  He said that if it would never snow again, it would be too soon for him.  You can tell he doesn't enjoy winter too much.

The Big Guy was just commenting on the size of my tail, saying how big it is.  When I wag my tail, I can really move stuff out of the way.

I think that he is trying to figure out if he could use my tail as a feather duster.

Not much going on in my life.  I eat, I sleep, I pester Tonya.

Tonya is on day's off today.  So I am sure that I will annoy her a lot later on.

Bye bye for now.

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