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Friday, 24 February 2017

24/Feb/17 is it Spring yet

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I am all tuckered out from chewing on my bone.

Today the Big Guy and Tonya are going to be getting a new fridge and dishwasher delivered.  Their old fridge is running 24/7, which Tonya knows is NOT good.  The cold control is failing and will soon enough stop working all together.

Tonya used to work for an appliance company a long time ago.  So she knows stuff.

Last night, they had this zucchini, bacon, salmon, shrimp thing.  It smelled so nice.  Of course, they didn't give me any of it.  Tonya was telling the Big Guy that salmon is really expensive.  More expensive than steak.  She said that it was $4.99 per 100 grams.  When you do the math, that's about $25.00 a pound.  I think that's a bit pricey.

Did you see on the news that NASA discovered a bunch of new planets?  They are about 40 light years away.  I wonder if there is any doggies on those planets?  But they would live really far away. 

The Big Guy was showing me some satellite photos of this house I live in.  The roof on this house is a light grey, which looks white when you look at it from above.

Can you see the the white roof in the middle of the picture?

I will zoom in for you.

Still can't see it? 

I will zoom in the closest that the satellite will allow.

If you click on the picture, you will go "full screen" and you will see my house and the yard that I play in.

The Fence Guy is going to be dropping by to today to give them an estimate of how much it will cost to fence in the back yard.  The Big Guy is thinking, it going to be REALLY expensive.

Bye bye for now.

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