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Sunday, 5 February 2017

5/Feb/17 still winter, but no mosquitos

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy cooked up a ham yesterday and I got to have the bones.  It was some good let me tell you.  There was a big hunk of cartilage holding the bones together.  He cooked a leg.  So I got to have what I think was the knee joint.  Who cares where it came from, all's I know, it was some yummy.

Then, they had mashed cauliflower with their ham.  I got to have some.  It was only the cauliflower with butter.  I think they could have dressed it up a bit.  It was kinda bland.  But otherwise, it was pretty good.

Today, the Big Guy is going to make some cauliflower breakfast patties.  Pretty sure I am not going to get any of them.  Especially if they taste good.

So yesterday I seen the Big Guy slicing some cauliflower into thin slices.  Then he mixed in olive oil.  Then he put them on his dehydrator and spiced them up with salt, pepper and garlic.  You could smell them and man oh man, I was just waiting for them to be dried up.  He was trying to replace his chips that he hasn't had for a bit.  He went and checked his machine and it was cold.  So he moved it over to another plug.  Turns out the dehydrator is broken.

He will have to see how much birthday money he gets.  He says that he would like a new one.  But we will see if he can get his new video game and the dehydrator.

Well, I have to go outside for a bit.  I gotta do my business outside.  I haven't figured out how to use the toilet for anything but a source of fresh water.

Bye bye for now.

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