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Saturday, 18 February 2017

18.Feb/17 have bone, will travel

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Every so often, a bone will come out of the deep freeze.  Last night was one of those days.  I chew on the bone for HOURS.

I even heard Tonya and the Big Guy saying that they are going to go get me MORE bones.  I am really happy about that.  The Big Guy is trying to figure out, can he put some sort of hard treat inside the bone again.  Something that could be baked into the opening where the marrow used to be.

Even if he puts peanut butter, I am still entertained for a bit.

He is going to have to watch out this summer when we are on the deck.  I will loose my bones in the grass and he will very likely find them with his lawn mower.

Yesterday the kids didn't have school.  The teachers were on strike.

I guess you could say, it's a mixed blessing as it will give the city more time to clean up the school yard and the sidewalks of all the snow we have.  But for those parents that have to work and don't have a baby sitter, it must be hard on them.

The Big Guy didn't break his 390 pounds yesterday.  He is a bit sad, and is discouraged a little bit.  He will just keep doing his Keto WOE.  He is determined to loose his weight.  He has to understand, it is very likely, his little fat cells are determined not to leave his body.

Bye bye for now.

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