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Friday, 3 February 2017

3/Feb/17 got my eye on you

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy has to go for his annual blood work.  He will go to the hospital and wait in line with a bunch of other people who have been sent there by their Doctor.  He will be giving vials of blood.  He will pee in a cup and they will test that.  Then they will listen to his heart through this little machine for about 30 seconds.  He said they call it an EKG.  Then they will send him home to do what he calls "The Poopy" test.  He will not be able to eat meat for 3 day prior and 3 days during.  The Big Guy is NOT a fan of "The Poopy" test as he LOVES his beef.

So right now, the Big Guy can't have his morning coffee.  Isn't he is a great mood.  Oh well, it will be over soon enough and he will have his coffee and something to eat.

The Big Guy plans to make these cauliflower patties for breakfast tomorrow.  Not sure what they are going to look like.  Most times when he does stuff like that, if it doesn't go so well, he throws it in the garbage.  But he claims that the recipe he found looks really easy.  So I guess we will see.

Tonya had the day off yesterday and she got her back tooth fixed.  It broke about 3 weeks ago.  But the dentist was able to fix it.  She thought that they may have to pull it.  But they didn't.  She is pretty happy about that.

Well, the Big Guy has to get his Salmon ready for lunch.  It doesn't take much to cook up.  But there is honey in the recipe.  So he is wondering how it is going to taste without the honey.  Guess he will see.

Bye bye for now.

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