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Tuesday, 28 February 2017

28/Feb/17 does March come in like a Lion tomorrow

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Today we are going to get a site visit from a fencing company.  The Big Guy and Tonya would like to have the back yard fenced in so that I can run around in the back yard without supervision.  Then I could have my bones outside.

Oh to dream the dream...  laying outside in the grass...  having a bone by your side.  Roll over, have a bit of a chew, roll over again, and just soak up the sun...  that's the life...  aaaah...

I could have a play date come visit.  We could run around in the back yard.  Wouldn't that be fun?

But first, tomorrow is the 1st of March and it looks like it's going to come in like a lion.  It's going to be raining tomorrow.

Last week, the hedge that is in the front of the house, it was completely under the snow.  Today, the hedge is mostly above the snow.  We had a lot of snow melt.

The weathernetwork has released their report for spring.  Looks like it's going to be an early spring for where I live.  The Big Guy was saying, if he could sell the snow blower, he wouldn't be upset at all.

Bye bye for now.

Monday, 27 February 2017

27/Feb/17 keep scratching me

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday was a really nice day outside.  Tonya cleaned off the snow on the deck.  She put some bottles in bags and the Big Guy is going to take them to the recycle place.  He also has to go to Home Hardware to return some stuff that they bought to install the new dishwasher that they bought.

Tonya is pretty happy with her new appliances.  I can see why too.  I licked the new fridge and there is like a permanent lick mark on the new door.  Tonya tried to clean it, but it just smudged it around.  Then she found this stuff, but it's really old, so not sure how well it's going to work.  But it is stainless steel cleaner.  She hasn't used it yet.

They also sat outside on the front deck for a bit.  But it is still winter and it's still cold outside.  But it was +11, so that's pretty good for this time of year.  I am pretty sure that in the past, they said that it was MUCH colder.

The snow banks and going away at an alarming rate.  You should see their car.  It's REALLY dirty.  They will have to get it washed.  Their car looks so much nicer when it is all clean.

While we were out side on the front deck, someone was walking their 2 doggies past my house.  Well I was jumping up and whining and barking.  His doggies were doing the same.  I would have played with him if I was allowed.

Otherwise, there isn't much going on in my life.  I am going to go play with what is left of little piggy.

Bye bye for now.

Sunday, 26 February 2017

26/Feb/17 better wear your rain coat today

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

We are due to get a lot of rain today.  About 25 mm of rain.

The Big Guy is pretty happy about that.  He says that he doesn't have to shovel the rain.

So I am in the living room tearing apart my little piggy.  The first thing that I removed was one of his little feet.  Then I got to the stuffing.  Bit by bit, I am tearing him apart.  He lasted pretty long though.

When the Big Guy got up today. Tonya had made him breakfast.  She made an omelette with sausage, bacon, peppers and cheese.  I heard him say that he is SO full right now.

Little piggy pieces

Little piggy is resting, getting ready for the next round with me.

ATTACK little piggy!

Little piggy is an amputee.

I am betting, by tomorrow, wait...  tomorrow?  In about an hour, there will be very little left of little piggy.

Remember when little piggy was new?  I played with him for HOURS...

Sorry, but I have to stop for now and go take care of little piggy.

Bye bye for now.

Saturday, 25 February 2017

25/Feb/17 we broke a temp record yesterday

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy got to work from home yesterday.  At one point, school was let out and I was outside greeting a new friend.  She seemed really scared of me.  Then again, I just wouldn't sit still.

When the Big Guy was on his lunch, he took this photo of me.

Aren't I handsome?  Click on the picture and it will go full screen so that you can see just how handsome I am.

Tonya's new appliances arrived last night.  They were expecting them to be delivered during the day.  Well, they didn't arrive till last night.

Here I am trying to figure out where the white fridge has gone...

Today, the Big Guy is going to try to swap out the dishwasher.  He has looked at some YouTube Videos and he thinks he is ready.  I guess we will find out.

Bye bye for now.

Friday, 24 February 2017

24/Feb/17 is it Spring yet

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I am all tuckered out from chewing on my bone.

Today the Big Guy and Tonya are going to be getting a new fridge and dishwasher delivered.  Their old fridge is running 24/7, which Tonya knows is NOT good.  The cold control is failing and will soon enough stop working all together.

Tonya used to work for an appliance company a long time ago.  So she knows stuff.

Last night, they had this zucchini, bacon, salmon, shrimp thing.  It smelled so nice.  Of course, they didn't give me any of it.  Tonya was telling the Big Guy that salmon is really expensive.  More expensive than steak.  She said that it was $4.99 per 100 grams.  When you do the math, that's about $25.00 a pound.  I think that's a bit pricey.

Did you see on the news that NASA discovered a bunch of new planets?  They are about 40 light years away.  I wonder if there is any doggies on those planets?  But they would live really far away. 

The Big Guy was showing me some satellite photos of this house I live in.  The roof on this house is a light grey, which looks white when you look at it from above.

Can you see the the white roof in the middle of the picture?

I will zoom in for you.

Still can't see it? 

I will zoom in the closest that the satellite will allow.

If you click on the picture, you will go "full screen" and you will see my house and the yard that I play in.

The Fence Guy is going to be dropping by to today to give them an estimate of how much it will cost to fence in the back yard.  The Big Guy is thinking, it going to be REALLY expensive.

Bye bye for now.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

23/Feb/17 I am having a bite to eat

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I haven't been allowed to go on my lead for the last couple days now.  Ever since I have discovered that I can escape from my collar and my harness, they just don't trust me.

The other day when I was loose, I was sitting on the back step of my neighbor's house.  They always back their truck in.  When they got out of their truck and seen me on the back deck, Lorne thought that I was a fox.  Must be cause of the size of my tail.  I ran off their deck and ran up my driveway.  Then I ran back towards them and they seen that it was me.

Then it was a game for me.  Who can run the fastest.  Turns out, it's ME!

Once the new fence gets put up, I will no longer be able to escape.

...  or will I ...

I could start digging under the fence.

I am sure that I will find a weak spot and try to get out of the yard.

Bye bye for now.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

22/Feb/17 your going to get me a new fence

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The picture was taken of me on the deck, looking though the door.  It's dark outside, but Tonya's new camera was able to take his picture without a flash.

So I am not allowed outside, on my lead, without supervision.  I've managed to figure out how to throw my harness, even if it's really tight.  Yesterday and this morning, the Big Guy has been calling me Houdini.

He has been talking about getting a new fence.  Actually 2 fences.  One that goes one direction and then another that goes a different direction.  But it would give me a large area to run around in the back yard.  Of course they have to get some prices on a new fence.

So far the weather forecast is looking pretty good.  I have to wonder, are we going to be getting any more blizzards this year.  The Big Guy is really hoping for an early Spring with LOTS and LOTS of rain.

Tonya was telling the Big Guy that she had a very big craving for a sandwich yesterday.  On the Keto WOE, they can't have normal bread.  The Big Guy told her that we don't have any bread in the house. She said that they do, there is a loaf in the freezer.  She was saying how she would have wanted the bread to be toasted and then gave a lot of details on how the sandwich was going to be made.

The Big Guy told her, make one of his 90 second Keto breads and she could have had the sandwich that she wanted.

Bye bye for now.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

21/Feb/17 over 10,000 views

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I don't know why, but the Big Guy wants to call me Harry Houdini.

Last night, when Tonya put me outside, I went to the length of my lead and then started going backwards.  I pulled and pulled and pulled.

Tonya was looking at something that was on the Big Guy's computer and she seen me running around the front yard.  I WAS FREE!

It took them a few minutes to get me back in the house again.

The Big Guy got a hold of my harness and he has made it extra tight.  But now they are putting me on the deck when I feel that I need to spend time outside.  The Big Guy says that he and Tonya have to be with me when I go outside from now on.

The Big Guy sprayed his cologne all over the wooden rails on the back deck.  Now they don't taste so good.  But I found some new siding to chew on.  Yesterday he "painted" the shingles with hot sauce.

I smelled the hot sauce and I am pretty sure that I don't want to lick it.

Looks like we got some snow and rain in the forecast.  I like the snow, but the Big Guy likes the rain.  He said it's something to do with not having to shovel the rain.  All's I know, they better put some salt down in their driveway.  I was slipping around yesterday.  Same with their front walk way.  They better put salt there too.

Bye bye for now

Monday, 20 February 2017

20/Feb/17 Heritage Day in Nova Scotia

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Look how I walk.  Do I walk like a fashion model?  I must cause that flash is going off all the time.

So last night, I got loose again.  I ran around the yard and when I seen my next door neighbors come home, I ran up to meet them.  The Big Guy was sitting in the chair by the window and he could see them waving through the window.  So he waved back.  But they really wanted his attention.  So he went to the front door.  That is when he seen a rather large dog and he was running away from Lorne.  Turns out, it was ME!  I was the one that was enjoying being off my leash.

Tonya was so upset.

Now I have my harness on all the time.  I haven't been able to throw the harness.  So I think my days of getting out of my collar are done.

Yesterday Tonya wanted to give Lorne a Timmie's gift card for snow blowing our yard.  He didn't want anything to do with that.  He said that he is having too much fun moving the snow around.

Last year, Tonya bought this bottle of wine.  It's called "White Shark".  It's really sweet and very strong.  Lorne bought the Big Guy a bottle of this a few years ago.  Well every time that we invite Lorne over, and want to give him a drink, he declines.  But since the Big Guy and Tonya are doing this Keto WOE, they need to get rid of this bottle of wine.  So they are going to give it to Lorne.  They would rather that it goes to someone that will drink and enjoy it, than them drinking it and feeling sad for having all that sugar.

Talking of good stuff though...  The Big Guy got weighed.  He is at 389.3 yesterday.  So he continues to loose weight, even though he isn't exercising.  He knows that not doing any exercise is only going to last so long.  But he said, once he can get enough weight off, he will be able to walk again.  Once he can walk, then he will be getting exercise again and loosing even MORE weight.

Bye bye for now.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

19/Feb/17 I will just lay here and be in the way

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Every time I lay down, I seem to be in the way of some one.  I am always been shooed away.  I lay on the furniture, they yell at me to get down.  I lay in the doorway, they need to get through.  I lay on the stairs, they want to go either upstairs or downstairs.  What's a dog got to do to get any peace?

It's warm out for this time of year.  It's +1 and raining a little bit.  Not raining hard.  Although I am pretty sure that the Big Guy would want it to rain really hard and melt a lot of the snow.

Yesterday he went outside with a shovel and his snow blower.  He widened up the snow banks on either side of his driveway.  He moved some of the snow coming in the driveway the other night.  So he knew he has to push the snow banks back a bit.

Tonya has been talking about shoveling off the back deck.  That is a thankless job.  Or at least that is what the Big Guy says.  

He says a lot of stuff.

Other times, he just tries to use hand signals with me.

The other day, he was pointing at the TV.  I just stared at his finger.  

He tried to point using a "knife hand" gesture.  So I went to him and licked his hand.

Then he grabbed my head and turned it around.  I wasn't too happy about that.  He doesn't often play fight with me, so I didn't know what he wanted.

That's when I seen a doggie on TV.

But then the doggie went away.  So I went and found a place to lay down.  In the way of course.

Bye bye for now.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

18.Feb/17 have bone, will travel

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Every so often, a bone will come out of the deep freeze.  Last night was one of those days.  I chew on the bone for HOURS.

I even heard Tonya and the Big Guy saying that they are going to go get me MORE bones.  I am really happy about that.  The Big Guy is trying to figure out, can he put some sort of hard treat inside the bone again.  Something that could be baked into the opening where the marrow used to be.

Even if he puts peanut butter, I am still entertained for a bit.

He is going to have to watch out this summer when we are on the deck.  I will loose my bones in the grass and he will very likely find them with his lawn mower.

Yesterday the kids didn't have school.  The teachers were on strike.

I guess you could say, it's a mixed blessing as it will give the city more time to clean up the school yard and the sidewalks of all the snow we have.  But for those parents that have to work and don't have a baby sitter, it must be hard on them.

The Big Guy didn't break his 390 pounds yesterday.  He is a bit sad, and is discouraged a little bit.  He will just keep doing his Keto WOE.  He is determined to loose his weight.  He has to understand, it is very likely, his little fat cells are determined not to leave his body.

Bye bye for now.

Friday, 17 February 2017

17/Feb/17 would you get me the TV Remote

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy got up from watching TV and I decided that his place on the couch is nice and warm.

Last night, the Big Guy and Tonya came home and their driveway was all cleaned up.  That was so nice of the neighbor.  We got about 12 cm of snow.  Just enough that it needed to be cleaned up.

Normally the Big Guy only weighs himself on Friday's.  I wonder how much he has lost?  I am hoping that he is below the 390 mark.

We are getting a light dusting of snow as I am typing this.  Of course the Big Guy is hoping that it's nothing too significant.

The Big Guy is going to be making some cubed beef with gravy.  Not sure exactly what he is up to.  I bet they are only going to give me kibble.

I am not sure if the kids are going to have school today.  It's been snowing all week.  But the Nova Scotia government is going to make the teachers take a new contract and they aren't very happy about it.  Since the Big Guy doesn't have any of his kids living at home, it doesn't effect him that much.

Bye bye for now.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

16/Feb/17 we were having an easy Winter, until this week

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Do you like to nap?  This is what I look like when I am looking at you when you are laying down.

It's snowing again.  The Big Guy went and got more gas for his lawn tractor/snow blower.  It certainly does move a lot of snow.  Otherwise, they certainly wouldn't be parking in the back yard like they do.  I think that they would be parking the car at the top of the driveway and just leaving it there.

Each time the Big Guy sees the snow plow goes by, he tells the same story, over and over again.  I remember when we lived in Winnipeg.  First the city would plow the street and of course, they would put the snow in your driveway.  Just like the rest of Canada.  Then another set of equipment would come along and take that snow OUT of your driveway and put it on your front lawn.  We had to pay a little bit more taxes, but it was worth it.  

Blah blah blah, I've heard this story like a million times now.

So school is closed again today.  

School was closed on Monday, due to the upcoming blizzard.  

Tuesday, school was closed, well, because of the blizzard.  (Good call on that one)  

Yesterday the schools were closed, because not every school was dug out from the blizzard.  

Now, today it's snowing again, and school is going to be closed.  

Not so sure about tomorrow.  

Monday is a Civic holiday, so guess what...  yup, school is closed again.   

Then, I heard that the teachers are going to be on strike, starting when?  Tuesday, when the kids should be back in school.

It's been a rough week for those parents that treat school like a babysitter.

On other news...  The Big Guy broke his rule about only getting weighed on Fridays.  390.8.  He rounded up to 10 pounds off since his new way of eating.  I am really happy for him.

Bye bye for now.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

15/Feb/17 Post Valentine's Day Blizzard

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I got to be with the Big Guy all day yesterday.  That was until he put me in my kennel so that he was able to go outside and start moving all the snow around his yard.  

He had to dig a path so that he could get to his garage.

Then he had to dig his garage door out so that it would open.

He was outside for close to 3 hours.

He said that he still has a lot more snow to move around.  But where the snow banks are so high, he needs to knock them down first, then go at them with the snow blower.

His next door neighbor, he has a BIG tractor with a huge snow blower on the back and a front end bucket.  So he was able to get a lot of the snow out of the way.

The Big Guy got me these bones from the butcher.  But I keep loosing them under the furniture and I am too big to get under the furniture to get them.  I think they should get furniture that is either 1, much lower so my bones and toys don't go under them, or 2, get much higher furniture that I can crawl under and get my toys.  What do you think?

Did you see the video of Tonya going over the snow bank so that she could get to work?  The Big Guy blended the videos together so that they are all in the same spot.

Isn't he thoughful, being inside the nice warm house, taking videos of her trying to get to work?

Bye bye for now