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Friday, 5 May 2023

5/May/23 you got worms


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy and Tonya ate all their gummie sharks.

Now, they got worms.

I got to have one.

I don't really chew them.

I grab them and swallow them.

Oh, and that cabbage roll in a bowl.

I didn't get to have any of it.

The Big Guy can hear the garbage trucks in the neighborhood.

He had put some stuff into a box and that box is in a black garbage bag.  

He put the kitchen garbage into that black garbage bag.

Of course he is hoping that they just put it into the garbage without trying to figure out what's in the black garbage bag.

Next week, he plans on putting different stuff in the black garbage bag in the hopes that it will be taken away without too much questions. 

He got some broken kitchen tiles.

I wonder if he could use them to fill in that hole where the tree stump used to be?

If the weather is nice, I think he plans on putting more branches and what not into the green bin for next week.

That seems to be a never ending job.

Humans and their yard work.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog being fed by the grandchildren

Bye bye fur now

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