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Saturday, 13 May 2023

13/May/23 tired after our walk


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday morning, the Big Guy put me outside.

He seen me taking a dump.

He got dressed quickly and took me for my morning walk.

When we got home, Tonya was up and having her coffee.

The Big Guy was so pleased that he didn't have to carry my poo around during our morning walk.

Yesterday, I thought we were going to go sit out on the front deck.

Turns out the Big Guy was just moving stuff off the deck so that he was able to stain the deck.

It hasn't been done in a few years.

He should be putting the bird feeders back out.

Also, has to put the chairs back up on the front deck.

He still hasn't go get more stain and do the mud room deck and the back deck.

Both jobs are big and he has to set some time aside to get that done.

The Big Guy thought he had a paint roller pan in the basement.

Now, he did look around, but sometimes, he just doesn't look too good.

He will probably just get some cheapo paint pan that he can throw out once he is done.

Or...  he may put some money into getting a new pan that he will keep.

You just never know with him.

So far, he still has to get the paint.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog just relaxing on the love seat

Bye bye fur now

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