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Sunday, 28 May 2023

28/May/23 brisket was really good


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I had to wait, but it was worth the wait.

Tonya gave me the left over brisket that she didn't have.

It was really good.

I hope the Big Guy makes another one some day soon.

He was really pleased that it turned out as good as what it did.

Now, he has to clean up his supplies and put everything back away.

They sat around quite a bit yesterday.

The Big Guy has to charge his little speakers that he takes outside.

One of them was beeping a lot.

They thought it was an incoming call or something.

It was just the low power beep that is on the machine.

They also made sure to put some sun screen on as they were sitting outside.

It supposed to be even warmer today.

This means that Summer is coming.

The Big Guy also seen where you need to get some boric acid and it will eliminate wasps from the area around his front and back deck.

He isn't sure where to get that.

Perhaps the hardware store.

He seen something on YouTube and now he wants to make this stuff.

Apparently bees ignore it.

It's likely where the rat poison would be in the store.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the bobbing bird

Bye bye fur now

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