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Tuesday, 16 May 2023

16/May/23 is that my leash I hear


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Tonya took me for a walk by myself yesterday.

She got stopped by her cousin and her husband.

As they were talking, he said he had to go as he could smell shit.

Tonya held up my bag of poo that she was carrying.

He was like, WHAT THE FUCK!!

Tonya said, big dog, big shit.

Tonya's cousin scolded her husband for not noticing that Tonya had done the poop and scoop.

They left and we came home again.

Tonya made a chicken ceasar salad yesterday.

Fat lot of good that does me.

She didn't share any of it.

When I move around at night, I set off the sensors and the lights come on in the living room and what they call the library.

Also, the DOT gives me words of encouragement.

Weird computer thing that it is.

At least it's nice to me.

For some reason, Tonya doesn't get a long with it very much.

The Big Guy is always pleasant with DOT and her siblings that are in the kitchen and the bedroom.

He even tells DOT to remember, he is the good one.

She says she will remember.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog looking to get my pizza crust

Bye bye fur now

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