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Saturday, 20 May 2023

20/May/23 back deck is painted


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy was out painting the back entrance deck to the house.

It hasn't been painted in a long time.

You do need to paint to make sure that your wood is preserved.

It hasn't been painted since I moved in.

That is a long time to go between paint jobs.

The only deck he has to paint now, is the bigger back deck.

He also needs to paint the spindles.

A lot of the spindles needs to be replaced.

When I was a puppy, I used to chew on a lot of the spindles.

I didn't chew right through them, but there is a lot of ruined spindles.

The Big Guy says, that's a job for another day.

I think he means after I'm gone over the rainbow bridge.

It is supposed to rain the next few days.

That means no outside work for the Big Guy.

This doesn't upset him very much.

The Big Guy was saying he has to wait for the wax to come off the car before he can put the ceramic wax he purchased from Turtle Wax.  It just sprays on and wipes off.  It does say to put 2 coats.

But you have to wait for 2 days of good weather to do that.

So many rules these applications needs.

Hard to get several days of good weather back to back.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog wants his broken toy

Bye bye fur now

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