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Friday, 26 May 2023

26/May/23 save the pizza crust


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Marcel and Kim have arrived.

Marcel made the mistake of reaching out with his foot to rub my belly.

I motioned to him, he wasn't done.

He rubbed my belly for a long time.

He finally had to move so that I couldn't reach him with my paw.

They also brought this oculus machine.

I didn't try it, but it seems pretty weird.

Not sure why the Big Guy wasn't able to focus his eyes that well inside the machine hood.

Perhaps it's meant to be a bit blurry.

They ended up having their pizza.

I wasn't able to bum any off anyone but Tonya.

She is easy to push over when it comes to sharing her food.

The Big Guy also cooked two chickens.

He boiled the bones and kept the broth.

But then he tossed the chicken bones off the deck.

The sea gulls came around and cleaned it all up.

There was a lot of the skin on the roasted chicken that I could of had.

Today, they are making ribs.

What is the chances I can get some of that?

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog can't find the fan

Bye bye fur now

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