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Thursday, 22 October 2020

22/Oct/20 this is my creepy Halloween look


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Some time last night, I got over 80,000 hits to my blog.  That's FANTASTIC!  Scroll back up and look at that counter that is just to the left of the screen.  As I'm writing this, 80,049 hits to my blog.

I am humbled by you, my constant readers.

Thank you!

I will do, downward dog for you.

Oh my, that was a good stretch.  Sorry for it being blurry, but it was an action shot.

So, the temperature outside is a bit funky.  Last week, it was hovering around the zero mark and now, it is 16 outside.  But that's due to the hurricane that is off the coast.  It brought the warm weather with it.

The Big Guy feels like this should happen during the months of January and February.  Melt all that snow.

Talking of snow.  I seen in the forecast that New Brunswick is going to be getting snow.  That around the area where I'm originally from.  Up near Campbellton and Bathurst.

Yes, we all know just how much he loves snow.  He says not to get him wrong.  He does love snow, when you just looking at it snow.  But when he has to go outside and shovel it...  That's when he hates the snow.  

So, little snow, love.  Lots of snow, hate.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - 

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog in the snow at the dog park

Bye bye fur now

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