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Friday, 31 May 2019

31/May/19 well now I'm full of grass clippings

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the weather just didn't want to co-operate.  It was windy on the back deck and therefore cold to my humans.

Tonya went to the front deck and checked out what the weather was like there.  Well, it was a lot warmer.  So much so that the Big Guy got a bit of sun on his arms.  Not a sun burn or anything like that, but he did get some color on his arms.

He really likes the warm weather.

Not the bugs that goes along with the warmer weather though.

I heard from my non-furry memere.  She made it home, safe and sound.  She dropped off Caitlan, so everything is back to normal once again.

Before they went to sit outside, the Big Guy had done up some Chinese Food.  He did some Chicken Chow Mein, some Sweet and Sour Pork and then some Beef and Broccoli.  Of course, each one has their own taste.  The Beef and Broccoli was a wee bit more spicy than he would normally make.

But did I get to sample any of it?

Of course not.

There was stuff in each dish that I'm not allowed to have.

What about the days when they made me steaks.

Or fed me hot dogs off the grill?


Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and Martini

Bye bye fur now

Thursday, 30 May 2019

30/May/19 you can't leave the house without me

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I just watched my non-furry Memere and Caitlan leave the house.

Yesterday they went for a long drive to show Caitlan where her ancestors are from.

At each destination, the Big Guy would turn to her and say; "Get out".  But he wanted her to go look at stuff where they are arrived.  

But not being from around here, she didn't understand the places where they were at.

Perhaps next time, they will drive The Cabot Trail.  

My non-furry Uncle Terry dropped by for a visit.  I'm always happy to see him.

Another place that I've never been.

Last night, they had A&K LIck-A-Chick for supper.

Was I allowed to have any?  


But Tonya did sneak me a few fries with gravy on them.

Oh my, they were so delicious.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog at the spa

Bye bye fur now

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

29/May/19 who is that creeping around upstairs

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

My non-furry Memere has arrived.  She brought along a new person for me to meet.  Her name is Caitlan.  I guess she is my non-furry cousin.

Yesterday she decided she would sit on the deck.  Not in a chair, but on the deck boards.  Guess who is at MY height now...

She was sort of surprised when I'm now face to face with her.

Later on, Floyd and Mylynne came for a visit.  Colby arrived a few minutes later.

Mylynne is pregnant with a little girl.

My non-furry Memere had made all kinds of crochet stuff.  Blankets, booties, jackets, hats, head bands.  They must have opened about 30 items in all.  It was a lot.  Floyd and Mylnne were opening presents for a long time.  There is a facebook video that Tonya posted.

My non-furry Memere got her orange creamsycle cheesecake.  She said that she loved it.

The Big Guy plans to make Chinese food for supper today.  Which is fine.  I don't get to have ANY of it.  Damn.  That just isn't fair.

But, yesterday, the Big Guy was drinking a bit.

Tonya had made some home made hamburgers.  Well, the Big Guy was supposed to go outside and make some hot dogs.  Of course I followed him outside.

He must have been having a weak moment.  There would have been 16 hot dogs in the package, but he only put 15 of them on the BBQ.  He had a couple bites of the raw hot dog and gave me the rest of it.  WOW!

Then, as the other hot dogs are cooking, the Big Guy grabbed another one, ate about 1/2 of it and gave me the other half.  

I should make sure that the Big Guy drinks MORE.  He will have these weak moments and give up some of his food to me.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog enjoys the love seat with Uncle Terry

Bye bye fur now

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

28/May/19 will someone play ball with me

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Tonya and the Big Guy often wonder what I bark at when I'm outside.  Well I will show you...

This little guy has been visiting just about every night.  Do you see him at the bottom of the picture?  He has a ringed tail.  He's a raccoon.

He doesn't mind the fact that I bark at him.  Nope, he just goes about his business, trying to find stuff to eat.

So my non-furry memere is coming for a visit.  She is also going to bring someone that I have never met before.  Her name is Caitlan.  She is apparently my cousin.

The Big Guy is going to be making an orange creamsicle cheesecake for my non-furry memere.  I wonder who I have to beg from to get some of that?

I seen my old girlfriend last night.  Her name is Bailey.  She was out for a walk.  But I was in the back yard.  It didn't matter how much I barked, she didn't come for a visit.  


I heard that the Big Guy is thinking about mowing the lawn today.  It's got that long, that he can do this for the first time this year.

Soon enough you will be hearing a lot more lawn mowers.

There is also a bunch of leaves and debris that is beside the driveway, that is all long the fence line.  Well that has to be pulled back and cleaned up.  Another fun job for the Big Guy.

He apparently does think much of that job.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog turns into a Minion

Bye bye fur now

Monday, 27 May 2019

27/May/19 itsy bitsy spider walked across the floor, then I ate him

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

When Tonya and the Big Guy get home from work, I get so excited to greet them at the door.

I can hear the key going in the door and then if it's the Big Guy that is opening the door, he becomes a real prick.  He will only open the door enough for me to see that it's them.  But he will not open the door wide enough for me to get out.

Because I'm so excited to meet, I will push on the door with my body and it will close the door again.  

He will open the door, just enough for me to get my nose outside the door, but because I have such a large body, it traps my face.  Now, my face doesn't want to be trapped in the door, but my body doesn't know the difference and it wants to greet Tonya and the Big Guy.

The Big Guy laughs at this.

The door being pushed against my face hurts.  But I have a single plan.

That plan is to get outside to greet Tonya and the Big Guy.  But my body keeps pushing the door closed on my face.  


Just open the door larger so that my body can get outside.

But no.  Just enough for my head to get trapped.  My body doesn't seem to know it's hurting my face.

Tonya always gets mad at the Big Guy when he does this.  Some sort of strange dog trick he's trying to teach me.

Eventually the door opens enough and I can get outside.  Then it's back inside, while I run around like an idiot, wagging my tail that bangs off of everything that it's tied down.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog forgets his indoor voice

Bye bye fur now

Sunday, 26 May 2019

26/May/19 waiting for the camera flash

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday Tonya did something that she wasn't supposed to do.

She gave me some of her pizza.

Oh, but it was so good.

Why was it something that she wasn't supposed to do...  well...  I got sick from it.  I threw up several times after Tonya and the Big Guy went to work.

The Big Guy only gives me stuff that is on "his approved" list of items that he will give me.

Tonya's list is so much bigger.  When she tries to eat something, I will just stare at her.  I will also start drooling.  I will lay my face on her lap or even on her chest.

She feels compelled to give in to me.

I've tried that with the Big Guy.

It doesn't work.

I've tried sad eyes.
I've tried drooling.
I've tried to vocalize.

He is a rock.  It doesn't bother him at all.  So I've given up on him.  Stupid human.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog destroys dollar store toy

Bye bye fur now

Saturday, 25 May 2019

25/May/19 I will just guard the door so no ones comes in without me knowing

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Earlier in the week Tonya had made a boiled dinner.  Which meant there was a ham.  Which also means there is a ham bone.

I get to sniff the bone, but I don't get to have the bone.

I don't do so well with pork.

For some reason, the rich fat that is on ham and on the bone, goes right through me.

So the Big Guy removes as much of the meat as possible and then throws the bone out in the back yard.

But I can be patient.

The next day, when Tonya wants to put the laundry outside, she clips me on my lead and I run to where the bone should be.

But it's... GONE...

The Big Guy was reviewing the outdoor camera and he has seen cats and even a raccoon in our back yard.

So I bet that bastard raccoon came into the yard, sniffed out the bone and brought it to his lair.

So, Mr raccoon, Mister stealer of bones, I hope the ham bone has given you and your family, the shits.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog enjoying the day at the dog park

Bye bye fur now

Friday, 24 May 2019

24/May/19 I will just keep Tonya's chair warm for her

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

This past few days, it's been really windy outside.  Good thing it's windy outside and not inside.  If it were windy INSIDE, there would be a significant problem.

So, windy OUTSIDE.

Trees like to pollinate.

They got these seed pods that they grow in Spring.  Well, before the leaves come out, these "things" blow off the trees.

The Big Guy calls them "Tree Sperms".

There are literally thousands of them across our lawn.

Of course, they will be hoping that rain will fall so that the baby trees can germinate and grow into much larger trees.

The Big Guy has other plans.  He will mow them down.  No more trees on his property.

You should have seen the leaves in their yard the first few years that they lived here.  Now, it's no longer a problem.  But, back in the day.  WOW!

I was watching the garbage man take our neighbors garbage.  As he was throwing it, the bag hit the part where it lands in the back of the garbage truck.  Someone didn't use high quality garbage bag.  Well it ripped apart.

The guy was chasing the garbage that was all over the street.  I couldn't hear what he was saying, but I bet it wasn't very nice.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having his first swim

Bye bye fur now

Thursday, 23 May 2019

23/May/19 did you want to get past me, well, go around

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

There is a lot of action going on upstairs.  I can hear stuff being moved around.  I can hear stuff being sawed.  Hammered.  Drilled.

But I'm not allowed to go upstairs to investigate.

They have said that I will be "in the way".

I will show them what being "in the way" means.  Try to get to the living room while I'm laying "in the way".

Yesterday, in the morning, it was rather miserable outside.  The day did progress and it did turn out to be sunny outside.  But the wind and the cold air kept Tonya and the Big Guy inside.

They were talking about the weather with few people and they had said that Summer was late arriving last year.

I could always go back in my blog and see what I said, this time, last year and the year before that.

As a child, the Big Guy used to go away, every weekend.  Then during the Summer months, he would spend it at the cottage.  Then come home for September and they would go away again, ever weekend, during fall.  In the Winter, they never went to the cottage.

But, going to the cottage, meant that they had to mow the grass.  They would also go fishing and stuff.

The cottage was tuned into a house.  Eventually the house was sold.

If we had a cottage, I have to wonder...  would I be allowed to just run around without being tied on?

I would have to make sure not to get lost.  Lost would mean, going to live with another family and I'm sure they would tie me on.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog gets brushed

Bye bye fur now

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

22/May/19 you want me to go outside, in the rain

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So it's raining out again.  Not that this is strange by any means.

But it's the wind.  WOW!

The BBQ hasn't moved as the wind is pushing it against the railing.  The chairs at the other end of the deck, they are still there.  I've seen the wind pushing the chairs from one of the deck to the other.

The guy that live next to us, he only has a small platform where he keeps his BBQ.  No railings.  I've seen the BBQ on the ground a couple of times now.  Always due to the wind.

So the other day, the Big Guy was reviewing the videos that are taken by the camera he has on the garage and there was a racoon.  There was also two different cats.  So it's nice to know that the cats are coming back.  It means that the rat population will be under control once again.

Tonya wants to have this item today.  It's called boiled dinner.  The Big Guy likes it well enough.  It's pretty easy to make.  You just boil everything.  The ham gets boiled first.  Then the vegetables.  Your done.

There is this movie from the 40's that Tonya wants to watch.  It's called "49th Parallel".  The Big Guy found it on YouTube.

Well, the Big Guy says that it's time for a nap.

So, it's nap time.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog running around our back deck

Bye bye fur now