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Friday 22 June 2018

22/Jun/18 there are no dog days of Summer here

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Today should be VERY exciting.  I am going to be going for a visit to the Doggie Day Care today.  So no walks today as I will be getting a lot of exercise.

Tonya and the Big Guy have got their own chores to attend to today, so they will not have me "under foot" today.

I should be leaving within the hour to go to the day care place.  I hope that I can meet a lot of new doggie friends and that they are all friendly.  Not every doggie is social.  They can be very aggressive and bittie.

The Big Guy had thought that he had purchased a Rat Trap on Amazon.  Well, he wasn't very careful and he purchased a mouse trap.  He isn't mad about it.  Tonya said that he is to put that trap in the basement.

Yesterday Tonya was sure that she had seen a rat flailing around in the front yard.  She was sure that the rat had got caught in one of the rat traps that the Big Guy put in the front yard.  Turns out, the rat traps were not set off.  So what ever the rat was doing, wasn't cause of the traps.

Perhaps it got caught in the grass by a crow or some other animal and it was hurt and trying to find cover.  Either way, it wasn't cause of the Big Guy's efforts to clear his property of the rats.

Tonya is afraid that the rats may try to get inside the house.  Then you got some real problems to deal with.

As it turns out, Tonya and the Big Guy are not the only ones that are trying to deal with rats this year.  They seem to be all over North Sydney this year.  But there is a lot of places that got torn down.  Like the Forum and the Parrish Center.  So with all those places being re-purposed, the ground is being disturbed.  So the rats are trying to find new places to live.

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Bye bye fur now

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