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Friday, 3 April 2020

3/Apr/20 you can't see me hiding behind this chair leg

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Today starts week #3 for the Big Guy and Tonya working from home.

Had you spoken to them about working from home in January, they would not have believed you.  How things change quickly.

Yesterday, the Big Guy made up this ham.  Oh how I wanted the ham.  Yummy ham.  But when I eat ham, it does something bad to my bowels and then I get explosive diarrhea.  Not good.

Anyways, the Big Guy is in the kitchen and he's cutting up the ham and cutting the fat off the ham and the skin.  He cut lots of meat off the bone.  Then he takes the scraps and the bone, and throws it out in the back yard.

The sea gulls and the crows have a feast.

Later on, the Big Guy was gong to get the ham bone and put it in the green bin.

But when he looked outside, he couldn't find the bone.  It was gone.

He figures it must have been a sea gull that would have picked up the ham bone and flew off with it.  Either that, or some stray dog might have come into the yard, without him seeing it, and took the ham bone back to his yard.

The Big Guy is just concerned that the bone may still be somewhere in his yard and that if we have another snow storm, which could happen, that he may end up finding the bone with his snow blower.  If he finds it with his lawn mower, he may bend the blade.  Either way, he has to make sure the bone is found and put in the green bin.

Perhaps, next time, he will just put the damn bone in the green bin to start with.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog getting his Dog Goggles on

Bye bye fur now

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