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Monday, 13 April 2020

13/Apr/20 well that was an Easter for the history books

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Normally family and friends would have gathered to celebrate Easter.  The Church would have been saddened by the decline in the attendance.  People would have been having Ham and Turkey and all the fixins.

The people would have ate till they were bursting and then, would have drank too much and then people would have gone home and then there would be the napping in front of the TV.

Hmmm...  none of that happened this year.

Well, some of it may have.  The over eating and the napping.  But the gathering of family and friends.  Only a select few that obviously are in direct violation of the "If you don't live there, you don't visit there" order from the provinces and the country.  Some people think that the rules don't really apply to them.

There was some other excitement that happened yesterday morning though.

Tonya wanted the Big Guy to make the chili.  The Big Guy seen that Tonya had put out some hamburger to thaw.  So, he was envisioning all sorts of recipes...

Mum's Macaroni
Taco Spaghetti
Salisbury Steak
Shepard's Pie
American Style Spaghetti
Porcupine Meatballs with sweet and sour sauce over rice
Beef pie (made with hamburger)
Hamburger Onions & Mashed potatoes w/gravy
Cheese Burger Pizza
BBQ'ed Hamburgers
Fried Hamburger with Kraft Dinner (together, all mixed in the same pot)

Nope.  None of the favorites that you see above.

Tonya wanted chili.

Ok, chili.

Now, there is a difference in the way that Tonya chops up vegetables.  Did you ever go to a Chinese restaurant and they have like a stir fry?  The veggies are cut up, into rather large chunks.

Well, this is chili, not a stir fry.

So, yesterday morning, the Big Guy sits at the kitchen counter and starts chopping up the veggies.

Yes, I hear you.  Veggies in chili?  According to the Club House Chili Package, the directions are pretty basic.  Ground beef.  The Club House Chili Mix.  Kidney Beans.  Tomatoe Sauce.

The Big Guy is pretty sure that he make spaghetti sauce instead.  Well, spaghetti sauce with a kick.

The Big Guy had some for breakfast.  When Tonya came downstairs, she also had some for breakfast.

The pot of chili was supposed to be turned off so that they would have chili, later on, for supper.

Ahhh...  not so much...

The pot was turned on HIGH and in about 15 minutes, the kitchen was filling with smoke.

Then there was a flurry of excitement as both Tonya and the Big Guy were running about, opening windows and putting the pot outside on the BBQ.  After they had aired out the house to get rid of the smoke in the kitchen.  Things eventually returned to "normal".

The Big Guy turned to Tonya and said that he thought the chili was done.  She didn't find this very funny.

The sea gulls got what was left of the chili.

Always the sea gulls.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying out the big chair

Bye bye fur now

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