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Saturday, 25 April 2020

25/Apr/20 will you play with Mr Bunny and I

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

If you look at the picture, above, you will see that there is something to the right of the frame.

Tonya calls this "Mr Bunny".  You can find toys that are made for strong chewers like myself.  My Bunny is the only toy that I haven't been able to destroy yet.

Tonya has gone to the Dollar Store and got me a stuffed toy.  I've ripped them apart in less than 5 minutes, trying to get to the squeaker that is inside them.

But Mr Bunny, he is about a year old now.  So far, the only thing I've been able to tear, is the ears.  Even then, the ears are still mostly in place.

Humans can do puzzles while they are in isolation, dogs chew on their toys.

I watch a bit of TV, but don't understand most of what I'm seeing on the screen.  So I would much rather chew on my toys.

Tonya got me a new rubber chicken about a month ago.  It does have a squeaker, but who ever designed it, it's a really quiet squeaker.

There is this other toy, my "piggy".  OK, now that one has a very loud squeaker in it.  When I'm fixated on piggy, the Big Guy has to turn the TV up really loud to hear it.  He has this look that says, I'm not impressed with you right now.  But I can look away.  

Screw you Big Guy and your TV, I'm bored.  I'm gonna chew.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the most annoying sound in the world

Bye bye fur now

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