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Wednesday, 1 April 2020

1/Apr/20 if this is April Fools day, it's not funny

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, if today were normal and everyone would be at work, socializing, and doing stuff, the people that love to pull pranks, would be in their glory.

Yesterday, the Big Guy wasn't all that happy with Tonya.  She took his coffee cup off his desk so that she could put it in the dish washer.  He tried to get her to leave his coffee cup alone.  She was having NONE of that.  She was in the mood to clean and she was GOING to clean.  She seen his coffee cup and to her, it represented DIRTY DIRTY.

Since the Big Guy only drinks black coffee, with no sugar from his coffee cup, he thought the cup was fine.  It was only a few days since he has been drinking out of it.  Each morning, before he would get a cup of coffee, he would give it a quick rinse and put his coffee in it.

Can you see me rolling my eyes over the foolishness.

Our neighbor is home again.  She was visiting her son in the United States when Canada closed the border.  It pretty much caught her by surprise.  Now she is home again, and of course, will be self isolating for the next couple weeks.

I heard from my non-furry Aunt Linda yesterday.  She has a cold and has to stay home now for the next couple weeks.  She was saying that she has to apply for unemployment insurance so that she can get paid while she is home.  

Stay safe everyone!

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog gets a new treat dispenser

Bye bye fur now

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