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Thursday 2 April 2020

2/Apr/20 I will huff and I will puff and I will blow your house down

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

A lot of you don't know this, but about 2 years ago, the Big Guy had won this baby monitor from work.  Well, he promptly hooked it all up.  You will NEVER guess what he monitors.

The level of the oil tank that is in the basement.  

Yup, the camera points at the indicator for the fuel level.  Now, he doesn't have to go to the basement to see how much oil in the tank.

Since the baby monitor has an infrared light on it, it can essentially "see" in the dark.

Right now, it's very early and the sun hasn't come up yet, but the oil tank is in a back room, where there isn't any windows to start with.  So that night vision is on 100% of the time.

Now, yesterday, Tonya wanted the Big Guy to CONFIRM how much oil is in the tank.  So he looks at the monitor and says how much oil is in the tank.  Hmmm...  you guessed it, that wasn't good enough for her.  She wanted him to physically go see how much oil was in the tank.

Do you know what the Big Guy was doing when she asked him to check the oil level?  

He was playing his XBox.  Yup, doing "nothing".  

Sigh...  women just can't stand their men doing "nothing".  Drives them bat shit.

So he goes to the basement.  (Insert Fred Flintstone tuba music here)

Now, there is this lattice that is in the back room.  Last year, when the Big Guy went to the basement to check the oil level, it fell over and caught the Big Guy in the leg and gouged his leg.  It was bleeding for a long time.

Yesterday, in the name of safety, he decided, he would pick up the lattice and move it aside.  

Does lightening strike twice?

It did with him.

The lattice bent and caught the Big Guy across the shin.  Same leg that got cut the previous year.  Only this time, it was in a different spot, but yup, cut into his leg.  Only this time, it wasn't as bad as the previous year.

I think he is going to have a bon fire in his back yard and the lattice isn't going to last very long.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is helping remove the roots in the grass

Bye bye fur now

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