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Saturday, 11 April 2020

11/Apr/20 is that an EMERGENCY ALERT on your cell phone

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So the province of Nova Scotia has been using the emergency alert system on people's cell phone, and other devices, to advise the people of Nova Scotia to stay home and only to go out when it is absolutely necessary.

The average person, just isn't getting it.

I had to wipe out all of what I had written and I've decided to start over.  This blog today was going in a bad direction.  I want to keep people happy about stuff, not be all doom and gloom.

Tonya bought me two new toys for my birthday.

One is a huge yellow tennis ball.  Yup, I've taken it out on the back deck, where it's not supposed to go.

The other, it's like one of my rubber chickens.  Only the squeaker is really quiet.  Yup, it squeaks, but you can hardly hear it.  Oh, and this "chicken", it's blue.  Weird.  Plus, it has all kinds of bumps on it.  I chew on it a few times a day.  The Big Guy is quite pleased with that toy due to how quiet it is.

Not like my piggy.  Man oh man, that one is LOUD!  That one is so loud, when I'm chewing on it, suddenly the TV gets really LOUD too.  The Big Guy stares at me when I'm chewing on my piggy.  

When I take my piggy outside, Tonya brings it back in the house for me.  I'm surprised that the Big Guy just leaves my piggy outside.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the most annoying sound in the world

Bye bye fur now

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