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Thursday 16 April 2020

16/Apr/20 If I had hands, I would let myself outside

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Now when we go for walks, I'm not allowed to sniff the other dogs.  At all.  The Big Guy holds me back and tells me that I'm not going to socialize.  Both myself and the other dog, wonder what we have done.

Dogs can't get this virus.  But I suppose, if the other dog had it on their fur and then it would be on my fur and it would be passed on to my humans as soon as they would touch each other.

Our neighbor, Lorne, he is finally allowed back home.  His wife was in the United States and she had to be quarantined for 2 weeks when she got home.  No contact with ANYONE.  Well, she is OK to go to the store now.

Just like in our house, Tonya is the person that goes out shopping.  The Big Guy stays home all the time.  He says that it doesn't bother him too much.  He does go outside and does stuff around the yard.

He was saying that he was going to be taking the lawn mower attachment and put it back on his lawn tractor.  There is still some snow in the yard, but not too much.  Most of it melted away.  With the rain we had yesterday, there is less and less snow in the yard.

I've heard that the Big Guy is planning on having a roast for supper tonight.  I bet he is going to use those damn onions.  SHIT...  that means that I will not be allowed to have any gravy.  Lordy, why does he so that sort of stuff?  He knows how much I love human food.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog running around our back deck

Bye bye fur now

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