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Monday 16 March 2020

16/Mar/20 it decided to snow again

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Were not due to get any significant snow today.  The Big Guy grabbed Tonya's cell phone to take these pictures of me.  Her phone has "night mode" on her camera.  Although looking at the pictures, you wouldn't think it was night time outside.

Although if the Big Guy's knee were a barometer, you would think were due to get a lot of snow.  His knee has arthritis in it, and if he takes one of his Aleve pills, it's because he is in quite a bit of pain.

Yesterday, he had to take one of those pills.  His knee did end up hurting less due to the pill.  He doesn't take them all the time though.  He tries to be "tough".

Well it is official.  School is closed for another two weeks.  Now, I have to wonder, will they extend the school year by two weeks this Summer?  Some parents are going to feel the pinch as they were not expecting March Break to last three weeks.  That means baby sitting fees will go up.  

Then the retailers are going on a modified shopping hours.  Everything is shutting down.

The price of gas is going down as people just aren't traveling and driving places.

Yup, I bet the economy is going to slow down for the next month or so.

But I got my new bag of dog food.  It's still sitting at the back door.  I think the Big Guy is waiting for my food tub to go empty before it empties the bag into the tub.  The tub allows my food to stay fresh.  Otherwise, they would be feeding me from the open bag.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying to get to his toy

Bye bye fur now

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