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Friday 14 February 2020

14/Feb/20 Happy Valentines Day to all my lovely ladies

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday the Big Guy went to Petro Canada to gas up his car.  He also needed to put some gas into the gerry can that he uses for his Lawn Mower/Snow Blower.  It turns out, he had enough Petro Points to cover what he pumped.

He was rather pleased with himself.

I'm sure, if your following the Big Guy on Facebook, he was able to make Tonya's Beef and Barley soup that she had asked for.  Now, he put carrots and corn in his.  When he was in the Navy, he certainly doesn't remember either of those being in the soup.  Perhaps they needed "filler" in their soup and the Navy didn't feel they needed that.

The Big Guy was looking outside to see if he could see any foot prints in the snow to see if the fox has been around his yard.  So far, nothing.

The Big Guy is also worried about some of the snow that's collecting on the smaller roof that's above the back deck.  Normally, in past years, it just melted off and would fall on to the deck in smaller loads.  This year, it has gathered and it's making ice.  He is worried that when it does fall, it's going to damage the back deck.

So, he may need to get out the garden hose and start melting off the ice jam that is there.  Better to take it down in smaller chunks than letting it fall as one BIG chunk.  That much ice is very likely to take out the back deck.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog gets brushed

Bye bye fur now

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