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Sunday 28 July 2019

28/Jul/19 I'm in disguise, like Superman

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy made his chicken fricassee.  Tonya says that she prefers it with the skinless chicken as the found the skin was slimy.  But it did have a great taste.

So, the Big Guy is always learning when cooking.

First off, he could have given me the skin.  Cooked of course.  Geesh, I'm not a cave dog.

Second, he could have cooked a steak at the same time.  Then give that to me.

Third, see the second thing about cooking the steak.

Fourth, see the steak thing, but perhaps with the chicken skin.  I bet that would taste wonderful.

Last night, I learnt something new.  

Hot Dogs don't always come from the Hot Dog maker, AKA the BBQ.  Hot Dogs can also come from the cast iron skillet that is done on the stove top.

Tonya decided that they would have their supper on the back deck.  Well the mosquitoes had plans for their own supper and decided to eat upon Tonya and the Big Guy.

There is a lady at work, she was talking about this mosquito vacuum.  Apparently it has a lure of some sort and then the vacuum part, well, it sucks them in.  Since other bugs have gone to bed, or where ever it is that they go at night, only the mosquitoes get sucked into this machine.

The Big Guy has an easier solution.  Just get a screened in deck.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his other frozen treat

Bye bye fur now

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