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Tuesday, 7 March 2017

7/Mar/17 they only work when the weather is "better"

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy has a niece out there and she has said some bad things about he XBox One game system.  But that's OK, he has been getting his digs in about how all the other systems are inferior to his own game system.  He thinks that it's a big game to him.  There is also one of his daughter's friends, he has been saying bad stuff too.  He isn't done having fun with him either.  That guy REALLY hates XBox.

Tonya called the Fence Guy to tell him that they can install the new fence for me.  They said that they have to wait for the weather to "get better".  Don't they have jackets and gloves that they can wear?  Does it mean that they can't install the fence when it's raining outside?  The Big Guy has so little patience for this kind of stuff.

They are still looking for an electrician to locate and mark the ground for the buried electrical cable that runs to the garage.  That is their next barrier in this fence excursion.  The Fence Guy said to call him once the ground is marked.  But what if the weather isn't nice when the electrician finds the cable?  Does that mean that he can't do his job either?  I thought electricity worked all the time.  Even in bad weather.

It's been about 2 weeks since the Big Guy put some really hot sauce on the siding on the house.  I haven't been chewing on the siding since then.  The Big Guy is wondering if he will have to apply it again, or am I done eating the siding, and hand rails on the house.  It isn't like I don't have enough toys to play with.  I have chewed on the steps.  I have chewed the lattice that is under the deck.  I've removed a lot of wood that used to be out there.  I have been eye balling the wood pile that is at the back of the property.  Once the fence is up, I will have access to that wood pile.

Well, I better go bark at the wind.  Every so often, it will blow and move the branches on the trees.  I have to show it who is boss.

Bye bye for now.

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