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Friday, 10 March 2017

10/Mar/17 Big Guy is 55 today

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Smile for the picture?  This is all I got for you.

The Big Guy takes picture of me when it's still dark in the house.  Some times he doesn't get me all in frame.  As you can tell, this picture only seems to get my nose, mouth and chest.

Yesterday Tonya took me to the vet.  I weigh 105 pounds.  I didn't gain any weight.  The Vet said that this is a good weight for me.  I guess I can go up to 120, but not to go above that weight.  More than that, and I will start to be overweight. 

Tonya also got them to trim my nails.  It took 3 of them to wrestle with me.  I wouldn't sit still. I would run away.  I would put my mouth on their arms.  I would push with my other paws.  Tonya said that it sounded like a WWF match going on.

When we came out to the car, there was a puddle and I went in the puddle before getting to the car.  Then, when Tonya wanted to open the doors to the car, she got all messed up and opened the front door first.  So I jumped into the front seat with my muddy paws.  There is mud all over the front seats, on the dash, even up on the windshield.

Today, the Big Guy has to wash out the inside of the car.  If someone gets into the car, he wants it to be clean.  Or at least a lot cleaner, for sure.

The Big Guy knows what he is going to get with his B-Day money.  Skyrim, for his XBox One, is on sale today at Best Buy.  Then he is also going to purchase this rechargeable battery thingy.  He finds that the he has been playing his XBox One alot and the batteries last about 2 to 2 1/2 weeks before they need to be replaced.  But if he has these rechargeable batteries, he can swap them up when ever he needs them.

The Big Guy doesn't throw out his batteries in the garbage.  He has a small box and when ever the box gets full, he takes them to Canadian Tire where they can properly recycle them.

Bye bye for now.

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