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Saturday, 11 March 2017

11/Mar/17 some one has a hangover

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So I am at home in Cape Breton while the Big Guy and Tonya are off having a great time and partying in Moncton with my non-furry Memere.

They went to the Legion last night.  They all sang him Happy Birthday and my non-furry Memere even won the 50/50 draw.  This isn't the first time that she won.  She is very lucky. 

But I am hanging out with my uncle Terry.  He is a pretty cool guy.  He doesn't mind playing with me.  I get to jump on him and chew on his arms.

Did you see all the videos that they were uploading to Facebook last night?  I could have been there too.  Although I would have wanted to dance and jump around.  Tonya says that I am too big for that. My tails swishes stuff right off the coffee table now.  When I was little, I could walk right under the coffee table.

We are supposed to get a snow storm this upcoming week.  Of course the Big Guy hopes it is going to miss them.  But I am pretty sure they are going to get it.

Well, this is going to be a short note this time.  Hopefully someone isn't as hungover tomorrow.

Bye bye for now.

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