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Wednesday, 22 March 2017

22/Mar/17 open the door, let me in NOW!

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I will jump on the door to announce that I want to get back in the house.  Tonya doesn't appreciate this very much.  She is always afraid that I am going to break the glass and get hurt.

Yesterday the Big Guy didn't realize that it was freezing rain most of the day.  So that meant that the trees are full of ice.

Now that the snow is frozen, I wonder if the Big Guy is going to get out his snow blower and move some of the snow.  He just looked at the weathernetwork and they seem to be forecasting for a blizzard.  I guess he better get outside and clean up that yard before the blizzard hits.

Here is some pictures of the trees.  If you click on the picture, it will go full screen so that you can see the pictures a lot better.

 You can see the moon, center right
 He tried to get the icicles and the frozen trees
 Now he got the icycles, but no trees
 Different angle on the trees
 Across the street from Jim's house, tree illuminated by the street light
 Front yard tree, you can't see it that much

Isn't it pretty outside?

The snow is SUPER crunchy as it is so frozen.  The Big Guy hopes that the water managed to get to the bottom and is frozen.  But not so frozen that it can't be shoveled and moved by the snow blower.  Otherwise, what a hot mess this is going to be.

The Big Guy tried to open the front door, and it's frozen shut by the snow.  This will HAVE to be fixed.  He can't abide by not having several escape routes.

Bye bye for now.

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