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Monday, 20 March 2017

20/Mar/17 weatherman is suppose to give 8 inches... of snow

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday was the first day that I went for a walk in a LONG time.  It was so much fun!  The Big Guy said that it wasn't his back that was sore.  This time it was his shoulders as I was pulling so much.  He wore these really thick work gloves that was hard to feed though the loop on my leash.  But I wasn't able to run away.  They had me on my harness and I didn't try to pop it off my body.

I got a few looks while we were out for my walk.  I guess it's because I am such a big dog.

Tonya did NOT like the fact that I don't mind puddles or the mud.  The Big Guy purposely walked me though the snow to clean off my paws.  I think that Tonya is going to have a bucket ready later on.  This will allow her to clean my paws before I walk into the house.

It is snowing rather hard outside right now.  It is small snow.  Normally small snow means that we get a lot of accumulation.  But it is blowing around a lot.  I have to wonder if the Big Guy should have parked the car further up the driveway instead of the back yard.  Normally there is a large snow drift by his garage.

Oh well, he does have his snow blower if it comes to that.

Once they get their new fence in place, they will be using the front door a lot more.

The Big Guy was drinking on Saturday night and he went above 380.  He isn't upset by that.  He figures this week, he will be down again.  I can't see why he will not be.

Bye bye for now.

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