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Friday, 24 March 2017

24/Mar/17 Spring, where are you already

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Wasn't it cold outside yesterday?  When it's -10 in Cape Breton, that's like being -40 out in the Prairies.  It is really cold outside.

I didn't go for a walk yesterday cause there was snow on the sidewalks and it was too cold out for the Big Guy and Tonya.  She came home yesterday and she was cold.  So she got right into her flannel PJ's so that she could warm up.  I guess it's different for humans.  I wear my fur coat year round.

But they know NOT to shave me down in the summer.  I don't feel the heat like they do.  My fur keeps me cool in the summer.  Then again, I will likely find a shady spot and just lay in the shade.  But that is MANY days away from now.

Tonya had ordered something in October of last year and it was finally delivered in the mail yesterday.  She said that for the person that it belongs to, they will have to come here to get it.  It doesn't "work" outside of Cape Breton. Some day, I will be able to take a picture of it.  Tonya is always buying stuff.  She says that the Big Guy can buy stuff too if he wants.  But he doesn't always do that.

She seen a pair of Canadian High Top sneakers.  I bet they taste yummy.  It is a red maple leaf on the side of the sneakers, which really looks like a Canadian Flag on the sneakers.  

This year, Canada is going to be 150 years old.  We can go to the park for free this year.  But there isn't a lot of parks around here.  I can only think of Fortress Louisbourg.

Well, I gotta go outside for a bit.  I don't pee indoors any longer.

Bye bye for now.

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