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Monday, 13 March 2017

13/Mar/17 my humans are home again

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I am pretty happy that the Big Guy and Tonya are home again.  I missed them alot when they left.  They said that they had a good time.  I don't know how they did....  I wasn't with them.

But now that they are back, I am able to relax.

It was fun having Terry here.  You should see how many milk bones he gave me.  The "cookie" jar was FULL when they left.  Yesterday, there was only a few left at the bottom of the jar.  We're not talking the little milk bone either.  We're talking about the BIG bones.

Tonya was so worried that I wasn't eating my new food.  Why eat that food when I am getting snacks every time I turn around?

The Big Guy was really happy about the new highway that they opened up.  He said that the bottle neck that happens when ever they get to Mother Webb's is GONE now.  Just sooth sailing as you can see it WAY off in the distance.  He was talking about the intersection at Barney's River.  I guess that sections is pretty dangerous.

Tonya got me a new piggie.  This one, the color is different and it doesn't squeal as much.  That is something that the Big Guy really likes.

The Big Guy was playing his new video game on his XBox.  He got Skyrim now for his XBox.  He played it a lot when it was on the PC.  But now it has some sort of memory issue that can't be resolved.  But now that it's on the XBox, it is really nice.  He was surprised at how well it played.  Then again, he was so used to it crashing all the time.

The Big Guy didn't get on a scale all weekend.  He will be doing his weigh in later this morning.  He knows that they were drinking quite a bit for his 55th B-Day.  Talking of that...  did you see how many B-Day wishes he got?  WOW!  Incredible.

We got a big March storm coming in tomorrow.  So far, they are forecasting for 15cm of snow.  The Big Guy is hoping that this is going to be the last storm for this season and that he will be able to put his snow blower away.  Guess we will see...  it is not unheard of to get a big snow storm in April.

Bye bye for now.

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