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Sunday, 19 March 2017

19/Mar/17 is it Spring yet?

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday was an exciting day.  I got to meet a new person.  His name is Randy and he works with the Big Guy and Tonya.  He came by with his metal detector and was trying to find the buried electrical line.  We're pretty sure we know where it is now.

This is one of those items that would be nice to have, but you wouldn't use it very often.  The next bit will be for the Big Guy to GENTLY dig around where they think that the cable should be.  He said that he is going to get a garden hose to loosen up the earth and then will use a plastic shovel.  He doesn't want to damage the line.

The Big Guy did up the taxes for his brother-in-law.  He is going to be getting some money back.  You can bet he is pretty happy about that.

Then Tonya and the Big Guy put up their new bird feeder.  I don't think it is is it's final spot.  But for now, the birds will be able to get used to it.

The bird feeder is just like Costco, everything is big and over sized there.  It has 3 feeding tubes.  This means that they could have put three different bird seeds in it.  But it was less expensive to buy the one HUGE bag of general bird seed.  They spilt some seed across the deck.  I licked at some of the seed and decided that I am not a bird.

The Big Guy did some ribs yesterday.  I didn't get to have any.  Surprise surprise...  Tonya did give me a rib that I took outside on the deck.

We could be in for a lot of snow tonight and tomorrow.  The Big Guy better go make sure that there is gas in the snow blower for this one last storm.  At least he hopes it will be one last storm.

Bye bye for now.

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