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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

28/Mar/17 WHAT'S THIS? MORE snow on the way?

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy was telling me that we are expecting snow for tomorrow.  Geesh, this normally means, no walks if there is snow.  Since I pull so much, the Big Guy is afraid that he will fall if he doesn't have proper traction at his feet.  For those of you that never walked a pulling beast of a dog, you will not know what it's like to almost have your arm ripped off your body.

When the Big Guy got home last night, he was massaging his shoulders.  I really should walk next to him.  But if I did, then I wouldn't be able to sniff as much.  When I am outside, I LOVE to sniff stuff.

If I scratched half as much as the Big Guy does, he would be taking me to the Vet, thinking that there is something wrong with me.  You should see, the Big Guy has this scratching stick.  He calls it his back scratcher.  He is using it all the time.  I am pretty sure he doesn't have fleas.  He tells me that it's because of the hard water.  They get that every year around here.  When the water isn't frozen any longer, the water gets soft again and the humans stop scratching as much.

The Big Guy sprayed my leash with after shave last night.  He was hoping that the taste would stop me from chewing on the leash.  Guess what.  Nope.  I was still tugging like a dog possessed.  I thought I heard him saying, he will be using his bitter apple spray next.  Yea, well we will see if that stops me or not.

The Big Guy has found that there is a dog friendly off the leash park.  It is all fenced in.  But it's way over in Sydney.  So that is like a 25 minute drive there and another 25 minutes back again.  But if they wanted to go to the beach, I am sure they would drive that far and even more if they could.  Lucky for them, the beach is actually a lot closer than that.

I heard that my non-furry sister, Linda and her non-furry husband, Gerry, is going to be visiting next month.  This will be the first time that I get to meet them.  I hope they like big dogs.  If they do, then they are going to LOVE me!

Bye bye for now.

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