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Wednesday, 1 March 2017

3/1/2017 where is the rain

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy is pretty happy.  Yesterday he got weighed and the scale was at 386.0.  That is 1 pound every 2 days.  He believes by this Christmas, he will have lost 100 pounds.  He is really looking forward to that.

They had another fence guy come over to do an estimate on the fence for the back yard.  Once it's installed, I will get to play around alot more.

BUT, it will also mean that I have access to all the grass areas.  I am a digger.  So there will be MANY holes in the back yard.

You may think that my fur is white.  Just wait.  It's going to be many shades of mud when I am done.

The weathernetwork is saying that we are supposed to get a lot of rain today.  Some parts of New Brunswick, well, they are not getting rain.  They are getting snow.  That is where my non-furry Memere lives.  Same with my non-furry brother Marcel and his wife Kim.  I hope they can all come visit again some day.  They were lots of fun.  Perhaps we could have a bone fire in the pit.  Cook hot dogs and I could have treats.

But mosquitoes live in the summer.  That's too bad too.  They really bug the Big Guy.  He was talking about building a bat house.  Perhaps a lot of bat houses.  I wonder what bats do in the Winter?  Do they fly South where the temperature is warmer?

I am a little tired and think I am going to go for a nap.

Bye bye for now.

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