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Thursday, 9 June 2022

9/Jun/22 did someone pull into the driveway


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I hear better than the humans that I live with.

I could hear that Tonya was coming home from dropping off Colby at the school.

Now, the Big Guy, he notices shadows, or, he notices when something drives by in his driveway.

Perhaps it's not a shadow that he sees, but the sun shinning off something.

Or, at night, he notices the car lights.

He isn't taken by surprise when someone comes into his driveway.

During COVID, no one is getting as many visitors as they used to.

That would be the same for myself.

I rather enjoy having someone come visit me.

One lady that the Big Guy used to work with, she has a rooster.

She has other animals too, but he was saying that the rooster cut her really badly.

I know how the Big Guy would feel about that.

Chicken stew comes to mind.

He was watching a video, of where someone had a detailed their car.

The rooster was able to see it's reflection.

The rooster scratched all the paint on the car.

The Big Guy was thinking...

Chicken stew.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog gets Wolf Ears

Bye bye fur now

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