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Saturday, 4 June 2022

4/Jun/22 why can't I meet and greet the visitors


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday, we had a delivery.

As you can see, there is the delivery truck.

The Big Guy had it already planned.

He put up the baby gate in the door way that goes to the front of the house, just by the microwave.

They got me to go to the kitchen.

Then, they put a kitchen chair in the nook area and opened the patio door.

Then kept opening the patio door and pulled the dinning room chair towards the open door.

This meant I was TRAPPED in the kitchen and the nook area of the house.

Believe you me, I wasn't happy about this arrangement.

The Big Guy had spent the morning, moving the mattress and box spring out of their room, down stairs and into the library room in the house.

I could hear the guys talking.

I NEEDED to see them.

But I couldn't.

I barked and barked and barked.

Nothing, they still wouldn't allow me to go meet and greet the new visitors.

I think it had more to do with the fact that the front door was WIDE open.

They know me too well.

I would have just gone outside and ran away.

I would still have loved to have met the guys though.

Once I was freed from the kitchen, I ran around and around.

Tonya and the Big Guy went upstairs.

They were admiring the new mattress that they got.

I sniffed it but wasn't interested in that.

I was looking for the guys.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog getting his baby food dog biscuits

Bye bye fur now

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