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Saturday, 18 June 2022

18/Jun/22 chicken went to the birds


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday, Tonya and the Big Guy left for a long time.

Gotta remember, even when they are gone for 5 minutes human time, it's like forever to myself.

Having said that, time is subjective to me.

To me, they were gone for a very long time.

They got this box of spices.

The Big Guy went on line to see how to use the spice.

Looked easy enough.

Turns out, you have to dilute the spices with flour first.

The website said to sprinkly it over the chicken.

The Big Guy did more than a sprinkle.

He also didn't cut it.

So it was just straight spice.

The chicken we really salty.

So salty, that it got thrown out to the sea gulls.

The Big Guy doesn't know exactly where Tonya put the chicken.

But when he looks outside, he can't see any chicken out there.

Perhaps the fox got it.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog loves his belly scratch

Bye bye fur now

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