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Tuesday, 21 June 2022

21/Jun/22 come play with me


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Today, Tonya is going to try something really new.

She is going to try and make some A&K Chicken drumsticks.

It is either going to work out really well, or...

I'm sure it will go OK.

I am also sure that I will not be able to have any.

The bones always goes out to the birds.

That is just how it works.

I am not allowed to have chicken bones.

I only found out yesterday, there are some birds, their stomach acid is so concentrated that they can dissolve bones.

No wonder the Big Guy and Tonya throw the bones out to the birds.

They have been putting their left overs in this old tree stump hole that is in their back yard.

They have been trying to fill it up.

The veggies will rot.

So far, it's been about 2 years that they have been trying to fill this hole.

They could get dirt and fill it.

Each time I get off my leash, I run right over to that hole and see if there is something there that I could eat.

Most times, nope, but the smells.


It's worth just running over to smell the rotting vegetables.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog isn't too sure about the baby

Bye bye fur now

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