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Tuesday, 28 June 2022

28/Jun/22 how much wood can a woodchuck chuck


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Tonya's phone broke yesterday.  This is NOT a good thing.

She does this paint by numbers thing.

She also reads my blog and goes on Facebook.

She has a tablet that she won several years ago.

But it isn't the same for her.

Last night, after work, the Big Guy gave her a loan of his phone.

She was back in hog heaven as she was able to do her paint by numbers.

Tonya was asking the Big Guy, why he doesn't do that paint by numbers more often.

He likes to play his XBox in the morning.

After he is done, he puts the controller away.

The Big Guy isn't quite as hooked on that paint by numbers program as Tonya is.

Tonya does have insurance for her phone.

She is going to see what she can do to get the phone fixed.

It could be, just the screen has to be replaced.

Of course, she is also very concerned about the pictures that are on the phone.

There is a really older phone that the Big Guy still has.  

He is going to plug it is to see if he can't get that to work.

He isn't sure if the paint my numbers will work on that phone.

The Big Guy just tried to hook up Tonya's old phone to her computer.  You need the screen on the phone to give permission for the phone to be able to allow it to be access by the computer.

Looks like Tonya is going to have to get the phone brought in, where they can do a data transfer for her.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the bobbing bird

Bye bye fur now

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