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Thursday, 30 June 2022

30/Jun/22 guess who is coming to dinner


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Tomorrow is Canada Day.

Tonya wants to invited the entire neighborhood over for a BBQ.

This means there is going to be a lot of food that is going to be:

1.  Left for the sea gulls

2.  Left in my food dish.

I can't wait.

Tonya wants to make salads and chip dips.

There is also going to be BBQed hot dogs.  FINALLY, I will likely get about 7 or 8 as people feed me when Tonya isn't looking.

There is also going to be hamburgers.

People will be putting more food on their plate than what they will really eat.

This means it will go in my food dish.

The salads, which a few people will take a little bit of on their plate, take a few bites and then forget it, will eventually go out to the Sea Gulls.  Which they will not eat the salad either.  Mother Nature loves to make compost.  

Tonya also wants to have bags of chips, some of which will be given to me.

There is a lot of food that gets wasted when ever she has her family over.

The Big Guy gets upset with all the wasted food.

Tonya's sister is determined to bring SOMETHING to this event.  She even called last night, looking to see what she can bring.  There is talk of cookies.

I will likely be able to score a few of them.  I'm not that picky when it comes to cookies.

A few years ago, they brought cake.  Not sure how, but the cake made people sick.

The Big Guy is pretty sure it was the salads that were left out on the counter, not the cake.  The Big Guy didn't have any salad, but did have cake and didn't have an upset stomach.

Tonya's family also has salads with Miracle Whip.  The Big Guy knows that is what they prefer.  None of her family would have liked the salads that the Big Guy would make.  Or at least not a much.

When the Big Guy was in the Navy, Miracle Whip was something that you purchased at the store.  They never had it on any of the ships he sailed on.

Salads seemed to be fish food for the most part when he was on the ships.

Salads would be made.  People would take some, have a bite or two and then later on, it went in the swill bucket to be tossed over the ships side.

I think the Big Guy will just go sit in the corner of the deck tomorrow and just keep looking away from all the food that will be wasted.

Of course, I will be doing my rounds to see how many hot dogs and hamburgers I can score.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog looks forward to Aurora dumping her food

Bye bye fur now

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

29/Jun/22 why can't I have some wine


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

As we are getting deeper into the Summer months, it's getting hotter each day.

Tonya has several fans going all the time.

The Big Guy doesn't seem to mind the heat that much.

He doesn't like the cold.

I don't mind the cold either as I wear a fur coat all the time.

Last night, Tonya's brother showed up at the back door.

He had gone out with some friends that started to get into something that he didn't want to do, so he was walking home.

He stopped into to rest.

Tonya fed him some goulash that she had ready.

She also fed him a rather large portion.

He didn't want to finish it.

Tonya offered to put it in a container so that he could take it home.

He didn't want that either.

Tonya put his left overs in my food dish.

I went to town on the goulash.

Yes, there may have been some onions, but I didn't care.

It was human food.

nom nom nom

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog doing the tail flick

Bye bye fur now

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

28/Jun/22 how much wood can a woodchuck chuck


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Tonya's phone broke yesterday.  This is NOT a good thing.

She does this paint by numbers thing.

She also reads my blog and goes on Facebook.

She has a tablet that she won several years ago.

But it isn't the same for her.

Last night, after work, the Big Guy gave her a loan of his phone.

She was back in hog heaven as she was able to do her paint by numbers.

Tonya was asking the Big Guy, why he doesn't do that paint by numbers more often.

He likes to play his XBox in the morning.

After he is done, he puts the controller away.

The Big Guy isn't quite as hooked on that paint by numbers program as Tonya is.

Tonya does have insurance for her phone.

She is going to see what she can do to get the phone fixed.

It could be, just the screen has to be replaced.

Of course, she is also very concerned about the pictures that are on the phone.

There is a really older phone that the Big Guy still has.  

He is going to plug it is to see if he can't get that to work.

He isn't sure if the paint my numbers will work on that phone.

The Big Guy just tried to hook up Tonya's old phone to her computer.  You need the screen on the phone to give permission for the phone to be able to allow it to be access by the computer.

Looks like Tonya is going to have to get the phone brought in, where they can do a data transfer for her.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the bobbing bird

Bye bye fur now

Monday, 27 June 2022

27/Jun/22 who is that walking down the street


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

As you can see, there is a chair in the corner.

Am I impressed?


Worst that that.

There is also maple trees that are growing next to the deck.

This impedes my view of the front yard from the deck.

You would think that Tonya or the Big Guy would take these out.

The Big Guy has got these ropes upstairs.  

This rope that he got.

It's got 900 pounds of tensile strength.

Enough that if he would strip the tree is some of the branches, he could tie the rope around the bottom of the tree and yank it out of the ground using his lawn tractor.

That would be end of the trees.

Then...  he would have a big hole in the ground to deal with.

I'm sure that is part of the reason that he doesn't move forward with this plan.


He could just get out his branch cutter and just cut them down.

That plan would work for me as well.

Your call Big Guy...

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is waiting for Baby Aurora to drop her food

Bye bye fur now

Sunday, 26 June 2022

26/Jun/22 hot dog maker isn't making hot dogs


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Last night, the Big Guy and Tonya were working on the Hot Dog maker.

It made 2 BBQed steaks.

0 Hot Dogs.

I couldn't understand what was going on.

They always made Hot Dogs in the past.

Is the Hot Dog maker broken?

I hope not.

I've seen that the Big Guy hasn't taken out his Charcoal BBQ in ages now.

Although that is in the back of the garage.

Same with his smoker.

Although Tonya was saying, she is going to surprise him one day.

She is going to find a place that sells Beef Briskets and she is going to get him to cook one up.

Cooking a brisket takes all day.

The Big Guy would be willing to take all day to cook a brisket though.

Then there is several days of eating sandwiches.

He has even cooked a brisket in the oven and made some gravy with it.

I've had that gravy.

It is really good over my kibbles.

I sure hope she can find one of those briskets for the Big Guy

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having difficult time with a hot dog

Bye bye fur now

Saturday, 25 June 2022

25/Jun/22 there isn't nickels on the ground


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday, Tonya and the Big Guy put up some lights into the pergola that is on the back deck.

They had to wait until it got dark before you could see if they all worked.

Later on, when they went to bed, they looked down from the bedroom window.

It looked pretty nice.

But it was also raining.

So, they couldn't go outside to enjoy the lights.

The weather is supposed to be bad for the next few days.  

So, no sitting out.

Well, I supposed they could, if they wanted to sit in the rain.

But, since they are human, they likely will not go sit out in the rain.

Even I don't enjoy being rained on.

Snow, well, that's something completely different.

But it's way too warm for it to snow.

Tonya has more lights that she wants put on the back yard, but she isn't sure where she wants them.

The Big Guy got some thoughts about this, but it will take some black cable ties.

Not sure what he is up to.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the bassinet

Bye bye fur now

Friday, 24 June 2022

24/Jun/22 taco spaghetti


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday, someone came to the door and I was really upset that I wasn't able to be outside.

It was our neighbor.

She had bought some smokies and her husband doesn't like them.

Now, it's not like I am going to be enjoying the smokies.

Yes, they are cooked on the BBQ, just like you would cook a hot dog.

For some reason, I'm not allowed to have them.

Tonya says they are too spicy.

We are due for some rain over the next few days.

I'm pretty sure that the Big Guy would like to mow the lawn.

Guess he is going to wait till next week now.

The other day, when Tonya and the Big Guy had left for the day, it was cause they had brought the Big Guy to Outpatients.  That is like the Vet, only for humans.

He is OK.

He had a sore ear.

He also needed to have an ultrasound done on his liver, spleen and gallbladder.

He also had to give the Dr a sample of his poo.

He was surprised that the Dr didn't want a sample of his pee.

The Dr gave the Big Guy this half a sombrero looking thing.

Oh, and a plastic spoon and a jar.

I guess the Dr didn't want his poop getting wet with the toilet water.

The Big Guy could have just gone in the back yard and had a poop.

I do it all the time.

But he could have got our poops mixed up.  So I guess his way was better.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is happy his little visitors have left for the day

Bye bye fur now

Thursday, 23 June 2022

23/Jun/22 are you home again


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday, the Big Guy and Tonya left.

Hours later, Bonnie come for a visit.

She put me outside so that I could go do my business.

But she didn't stay.

It was still light out when I could hear Tonya giving "the business" to the Big Guy for taking such a long time to open the door.

Turns out, his keys were in his jacket pocket.

He wasn't wearing his jacket.

So, he had to open the zipper on his jacket.

First, he went to the wrong pocket.

He was opening the pocket that has his wallet.

Tonya was getting frustrated with him.

I was on the other side of the locked door and I wasn't very happy about it.


The door opened.

I was so happy to see Tonya again.

The Big Guy too.

BUT, Tonya was home again!

She wanted me to go outside to do a poo poo pee pee.

OK, OK, I will pee.

I hope they never have to leave like that again.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog getting the pizza crust

Bye bye fur now

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

22/Jun/22 no chicken for me


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday, Tonya made friend chicken, using the spices that they use at A&K.

If you don't know what A&K is...

It's a chicken place on highway 105 in Cape Breton Island.

It's only the best chicken on the Island.

Now, Tonya and the Big Guy got the same spices that they use to make their chicken.

Due to the mess that the Big Guy had done the week prior, they were hesitant to put as much spice in to the flour mix when coating the chicken.

Tonya made it.

The Big Guy tasted her fried chicken.

Well, it was so much better than A&K.

It was made with...  LOVE.

Yup, that always makes a dish taste so much better.

Of course I didn't get any.

Not even the skin.

Tonya ate all of her's.

She gave me a few of the oven fries she had made.

No ketchup though.

Just fries.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog running around our back deck

Bye bye fur now

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

21/Jun/22 come play with me


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Today, Tonya is going to try something really new.

She is going to try and make some A&K Chicken drumsticks.

It is either going to work out really well, or...

I'm sure it will go OK.

I am also sure that I will not be able to have any.

The bones always goes out to the birds.

That is just how it works.

I am not allowed to have chicken bones.

I only found out yesterday, there are some birds, their stomach acid is so concentrated that they can dissolve bones.

No wonder the Big Guy and Tonya throw the bones out to the birds.

They have been putting their left overs in this old tree stump hole that is in their back yard.

They have been trying to fill it up.

The veggies will rot.

So far, it's been about 2 years that they have been trying to fill this hole.

They could get dirt and fill it.

Each time I get off my leash, I run right over to that hole and see if there is something there that I could eat.

Most times, nope, but the smells.


It's worth just running over to smell the rotting vegetables.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog isn't too sure about the baby

Bye bye fur now