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Thursday, 30 April 2020

30/Apr/20 what have you got there

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, as some of you are aware, the Big Guy also has a Food Blog.  Yup, lots and lots of yummy stuff he there.  Over the years, he has posted about 300 recipes.

Now, my blog, not counting today's entry, has 1427 entries.  But his food blog has about 3 times the traffic on it.  But that's because people need to eat.  Myself, this blog, well it's for entertainment.

Anyways...  the latest food blog entry was for Sponge Toffee.  See this entry:

Well, yesterday, he took about 1/3 of the sponge toffee and he took a bag of Nestle Chocolate Chips, along with some bakers chocolate he had in the cupboard.  2 squares.  He also added about 1/3 cup of butter.  He melted up the butter and added the chocolate.  He took the sponge toffee and smashed up all the pieces.  Then added them to the melted chocolate.  Then he poured all of this into the silicone pan that he has.

Then, into the fridge to cool and set.

Last night, he takes it out of the silicone pan and puts it on his cutting board.  He gets this really long knife and cuts it into bars.  Well, that didn't work so well, but he tried.  He gathered up all the mess he had made and put it into some Tupperware and back into the fridge it went.

Tonya grabbed a piece and was astounded how good it was.  She grabbed a few more and took off for the living room.  I followed her.  But she didn't give me any of it.

She went back and got a few more pieces.  But again, she wasn't sharing.  She was exclaiming on how good it was.  Tonya was saying, over and over, it was amazing.  

Damn it, she wasn't sharing.  Like WTF?  You just can't say how good it is and not share with me!

But chocolate is no good for me.  So, no matter how much I tried, she wasn't giving in.

When the Big Guy had said, he made a poor mans Crunchie Bar, Tonya said: THAT'S IT!  That is what it tastes like.  She said that he would be allowed to make more of this.  A LOT MORE!

Hmmm...  what good is this recipe if I can't have any?

I hope it give Tonya the Big Guy the trots.  

Just like how pork goes though me.  

Fuckers, making something that I can't have.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog in the Wing Chair

Bye bye fur now

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

29/Apr/20 he got another job

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Well, yesterday I was saying how the Big Guy got fired from his job.  Well, it didn't take very long, but the Big Guy got another job already.

So he would have been unemployed for about 18 hours or so.

His new job, he will be working for OnStar doing renewals.  He also mentioned that he will be earning bonuses.  This is something that he has never had in the past.  Well, with the exception of XMas bonus, but everyone gets that.

Yesterday it snowed.  Here is some pictures.

You can see how there was no snow and then the second picture was taken about 20 minute ago.

Apparently we got just shy of 25 cm of snow.  That would be about 8 inches of snow.  For sure, that's a lot of snow.

But thankfully, it was also somewhat warm out too.  Otherwise the snow would have stayed on the ground.  I bet, between today and tomorrow, the remainder of the snow is going to melt.

Then the Big Guy will be able to go outside and wash and wax his car.  He's been rather itching to get that done.  He will also be cleaning out the interior of his car.  That's another job that he needs to do as well.

Yesterday, Tonya and the Big Guy had some ribs for supper.  

Well can you guess who wasn't given any of it?  Yea, that would be me.

Not that I didn't try.  I stared at Tonya as she was eating.

I turned on the drool factory.  Her legs were wet from my drools.

Nothing was working yesterday.  

I got as close to her as I could.  I kept inching forward.  Over and over, getting closer and closer.

I was stunned when she shooed me away.

They had better be making something that I can have today.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog enjoys the love seat with Uncle Terry

Bye bye fur now

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

28/Apr/20 well Mother Nature is throwing us a curve ball

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

SURPRISE!  You thought it was Spring?


Mother Nature sure has fooled you!

Today, were expecting anywhere between 20 to 30 cm of snow.  For my friends and readers that use the imperial scale, that's 8 to 12 inches of snow.  So, yea, that's a lot of snow.

BUT, the Big Guy still hasn't put away his snow shovel or his snow blower.  So, this may still be annoying, but not as annoying as it's going to be for other people that went and put all that stuff away.

But then again, it will probably melt in a few days anyways.

The Big Guy was telling me that he got fired yesterday from his work.  I guess that means, no job.  No job means that he will have to find another job.  He rather likes his house, his car and a few other things.

He has always thought that his Military Pension should have been indexed by now.  Well, he was talking with my non-furry brother Marc.  Marc was saying that he needs to contact someone that is in the know that will steer him in the right direction to see if his pension should already be indexed.  There is a bunch of Reserve time that he has done that it seems everyone is forgetting.

So there is a special office that will be open in a few hours.  The Big Guy needs to reach out to them once they are open.  

If the Big Guy finds out that his pension is indexed, he may find that he only needs to get a part time job and not a full time job.  That would please him quite a bit.

So, everyone think happy thoughts for him.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog barks at other dogs

Bye bye fur now

Monday, 27 April 2020

27/Apr/20 I would sure like to tip toe thru the tulips

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, with April almost at the end, what is in the weather today?  Snow.

Now, tomorrow, they are forecasting for 15 cm of snow.

But the Big Guy still hasn't removed the snow blower from his lawn tractor.  So it may be good that he hasn't done that.  

This "procrastination" thing seems to be working in his favour.

Tonya was telling the Big Guy that she had wanted some Ribs, Cole Slaw and Potatoe Salad for tomorrow.  Now, there is only one thing wrong with this plan.

The Big Guy went to the freezer and they don't have any ribs.  So, if Tonya is going to want ribs for supper for tomorrow, she is going to have to get some.  She is the shopper for the house.  So it will be up to her to get the ribs.

If you could see the Big Guy, you would know that were getting a storm.

His knee is really hurting him.  His knee is full of arthritis.

But I guess my breed is also prone to arthritis.  So, what he has, I will also be getting that as well when I get older.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is watching TV with me

Bye bye fur now

Sunday, 26 April 2020

26/Apr/20 why do we go downstairs for our break

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I'm not sure why Tonya and the Big Guy didn't set up their office on the main floor.  Geesh, it would have been so much easier on everyone if they would have done that.

Oh wait, I know why...

When I look outside and see another doggie.  I loose my mind and start barking.  I can't deny the fact that I have a really LOUD bark too.

So I guess the "offices" will remain upstairs, where they were at all along.

The Big Guy was saying that every day lately, seem like that movie, Groundhog Day.  Everything is the same, with the exception of the weather.

Talking of weather, they released a special weather statement.  We're due to get some more snow.  But not a lot of snow.  Just 5 cm.  But if you got plants and what not, like tomatoe plants, it will take longer for you to get them outside.

Tonya got some lupins as seeds.  The Big Guy also got this jar of seeds that is supposed to make wild flowers.  He still hasn't spread the seeds out to grow and that was 3 years ago.  I think it's about time that he at least tries to get this done.

I'm sure those flowers would be good for the bees.  They are in danger too.  They also have a virus.  But you can't really stop bees from going to one place that may be infected with their virus.  Sounds a lot like humans.  

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog has expressive eyebrows

Bye bye fur now

Saturday, 25 April 2020

25/Apr/20 will you play with Mr Bunny and I

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

If you look at the picture, above, you will see that there is something to the right of the frame.

Tonya calls this "Mr Bunny".  You can find toys that are made for strong chewers like myself.  My Bunny is the only toy that I haven't been able to destroy yet.

Tonya has gone to the Dollar Store and got me a stuffed toy.  I've ripped them apart in less than 5 minutes, trying to get to the squeaker that is inside them.

But Mr Bunny, he is about a year old now.  So far, the only thing I've been able to tear, is the ears.  Even then, the ears are still mostly in place.

Humans can do puzzles while they are in isolation, dogs chew on their toys.

I watch a bit of TV, but don't understand most of what I'm seeing on the screen.  So I would much rather chew on my toys.

Tonya got me a new rubber chicken about a month ago.  It does have a squeaker, but who ever designed it, it's a really quiet squeaker.

There is this other toy, my "piggy".  OK, now that one has a very loud squeaker in it.  When I'm fixated on piggy, the Big Guy has to turn the TV up really loud to hear it.  He has this look that says, I'm not impressed with you right now.  But I can look away.  

Screw you Big Guy and your TV, I'm bored.  I'm gonna chew.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the most annoying sound in the world

Bye bye fur now

Friday, 24 April 2020

24/Apr/20 I'm just so happy your home with me

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So it would have been Friday the 20th of March, 2020 that Tonya and the Big Guy started working from home.  That would be 6 weeks ago.

People thought that it would only be a few weeks that we would be working from home.  I guess it's going to be a lot longer than that.

Were supposed to get some rain today, but as the Big Guy is looking outside, he would beg to differ.  There isn't a cloud in the sky that would indicate any snow today.

So, last week, Tonya and the Big Guy did an order from Costco, to be delivered to their house.  Now, because they don't live in Halifax/Dartmouth, where there is 2 Costco stores, they have to wait for the order to be delivered.  Normally delivery time would be 2 days.  But it's been a week.  Their order was supposed to be delivered yesterday.  But they only got one item.  That was the Blue Garbage bags for the recycle bin.

The Big Guy is pretty happy though, the box they ordered, well it holds about 3 times the amount of Blue Bags they would normally get.  Also, they are slightly bigger.

But they should be getting their 2nd box of items delivered today.  Then, according to the delivery instructions, they should be getting a 3rd box next week...

If there is an upside, and there always is...  It was free delivery.

The fact that it's being delivered, this gives Tonya and the Big Guy access to stuff that they normally would never be able to get, unless they did a road trip to Halifax/Dartmouth, or unless they also went to Moncton to get their stuff from the Costco out there.

The one thing they didn't order.  Toilet paper.  They seem to have plenty.  They had lots of toilet paper before it was considered a thing to horde toilet paper.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his toy piggy

Bye bye fur now

Thursday, 23 April 2020

23/Apr/20 raindrops keep falling on my head

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Earlier in the day, Tonya insisted that I go outside.

Hello...  it was pouring rain outside.  Well I went outside, but I went under duress.  I fixed her though, when I came back inside, I made sure to shake while I was still near her.

The Big Guy wouldn't have put me out in the rain like that.  Well, he would, but that would be because I insisted on going outside myself.

Last night, the Big Guy was dying Tonya's hair.  He said that I was "in the way".  Also, that I should get out of it.

I was only curious about what was going on.  First off, it smelled different.  I needed to smell what was going on.

Also, because they were at the kitchen table, normally that means food.  They had the wine.  But strangely, no food.  Just this smelly liquid that the Big Guy kept putting more and more of on Tonya's head.

Now, later on, Tonya went upstairs and she came back downstairs and she seems rather pleased.  She said that the Big Guy had done a pretty good job and that 98% of her grey hair was covered.

The Big Guy said, he purposely left them in there so that it would look more natural.

I think he was trying to put a positive spin on his lack of professional salon job.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog in the Wing Chair

Bye bye fur now

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

22/Apr/20 myself and the hot dog maker

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday, the Big Guy kept looking up at the sky.  He kept remarking on how blue the sky was.  But the other items he kept on about, was the complete lack of clouds in the sky.  

I mean zero clouds.  Not one.  Zip.  Zilch.  Nada.

Now, today is different.  Today, we are expecting some rain.  So, of course we have clouds today.

The Big Guy had to go out on the back deck and get Tonya's chair off the back deck.  It's a canvas chair.  They always bring their folding chairs inside the house.

Now, my uncles that live together.  Terry, Haas, and Craig.  They left their folding chairs outside.

The canvas rotted and fell apart.

But that would be the same with the canvas roof on the pergola that they had purchased 3 years ago.  This will be the first summer that they don't have some sort of roof and awning on their deck.  Honestly, they really should take it down and put it in the garbage.  Either that, or just sell it to someone else that could use it.

There is the frame for the awning that's over the BBQ.  The Big Guy is pretty sure he would make some light weight roof for that.

Do you remember that snow that we got on the weekend?  The 43.2 cm of snow?  Well, thankfully, most of it melted on contact with the ground.  But still, some of it didn't melt.  Some of it, was plowed by the city and of course, ended up at the end of the driveway and what not.  Well, yesterday, the Big Guy hopes he took out the snow blower for the last time this year.  He went to the end of the driveway and took care of the snow that was there.

Now, he just needs a reason to remove the snow blower and install the lawn mower deck.  Not sure what he's waiting for.

Oh well, his zoo, his monkeys.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having difficult time with a hot dog

Bye bye fur now

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

21/Apr/20 is it break time for work yet

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday was the end of the 4th week that Tonya and the Big Guy have been working from home.  I wonder if this will be somewhat permanent?  They don't need to go into a building.  They don't need to heat the building.  No electricity being wasted in the building.  No cleaning crew.  No other amenities being used either.

OK, so the elephant in the room.  You, my readers, know that Cape Breton Island is part of Nova Scotia.

There was a huge number of people that were shot and killed on the mainland.  No one knows why this person did what they did.  There was no note of evidence as to why they did what they did.

It was a tragic and senseless waste for that person to go around shooting and killing the people like that.

Where this happened, was about a 4 hour drive from where I live.

But honestly, if it happened there, it could happen here too.

The Big Guy was looking at the weather, and he thinks it may be a nice day to be outside to BBQ.  

Yesterday, I said that 43.2 cm of snow fell on the weekend.  That's 17 inches of snow.  Thankfully, most of it melted away yesterday.  It was +10 C yesterday.  For my US friends, that would be 50 F.

Tonya has to have a Doctor appointment today.  But instead of her going to the Doctor's office, he will be calling her and then calling the pharmacy to let them know what the prescription is.  Then the pharmacy will be contacting Tonya to let her know when her prescription is ready to pick up.

I'm sure it will not be like that in the future.  Once things gets back to "normal" again.  But for now, the Big Guy doesn't mind being stuck at home.  Sure, he would like to go a few places and what not, but he doesn't get "shack wacky" like Tonya does.  He says that it's the Navy training, where they have to stay put for long periods of time and do the same thing, over and over and over.  Lke when he was in CFS Alert.  Not that you could leave and go anywhere.  You were on top of the world there.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying to get to his toy

Bye bye fur now