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Tuesday, 22 October 2019

22/Oct/19 here's looking at you kid

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Canada voted yesterday.  We have a Liberal government.  I'm not sure what that means to me.  Probably nothing.  I didn't get to vote, so I don't have any say in what happens.

Now, Tonya and the Big Guy, they vote all the time.  They say it's their right to vote and they always exercise it.  Yesterday when they were at work, one person said that they would NOT vote as their vote didn't matter anyways.  This made the Big Guy a bit sad.  He was in the Navy for 25 years so that people could have the right to vote.  But he also was in the Navy to be able to give them the freedom to be able to NOT vote as well.

The Big Guy slept in this morning.  It wasn't till 7:00 before he got up.  That's really unusual for him to sleep in like that.

He must have been really tired.

Something that happens to humans in the Fall and Winter, they get chapped lips.  There is a story that the Big Guy likes to tell.

One time, in the old Wild Wild West, a cow boy rode into town.  As he got to the saloon, he got off his horse, tied it up to the hitching post, went to the back of the horse, lifted up the tail, and kissed the horse, right on it's behind.

He walked in to the saloon.  Everyone got quiet.  He walks up to the bar and says to the bartender: "Give me a whiskey".

The nervous bartender pours up a shot of whiskey and slides it over.  He says to the dusty cow boy: "Mister, I've never seen anyone kiss their horse on the ass like I seen you do".

The cow boy looked up from his drink and said: "Chapped lips".

A chair pushes back.  An audible gasp is heard.  The bartender says: "Chapped lips?  Does that cure chapped lips?"

The cow boy, looks at his reflection in the mirror behind the bar and says: "Nope.  Sure doesn't cure chapped lips.  But it sure stops you from licking them".

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog by himself at the dog park

Bye bye fur now

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