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Monday, 14 October 2019

14/Oct/19 someone got new walking sneakers

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

It's been several months now since I've gone for a walk.  The Big Guy hurt his knee quite badly and he hasn't been able to go for walks.  This isn't too good for him.

But his knee is slowly getting better.  

Last week, they got this item in their email that said they could get up to 70% off anything at one of these stores.

So, Tonya said, since the Big Guy needs new sneakers, why not take advantage.  So, they got the Big Guy new sneakers.

Well, now his knee has to be all healed in order for him to take me for a walk.


Yesterday the Big Guy made some pork loin chops for their lunch.  Well that totally got my attention when Tonya was in the kitchen cutting them up.

Then, she was also cutting up some vegetables.

For those of you that don't own a Bernese Mountain Dog, our hair gets into EVERYTHING.

As the Big Guy was having his lunch yesterday, he was taking hair after hair out of his lunch.  He told Tonya, he ate most of his lunch, but ended up getting tired of pulling hairs out of his lunch, that he eventually just threw some of it out.

If you know the Big Guy, this is SOMETHING.  He would normally NEVER do that.

So now I know what to do to get him to give up his meal and put it in my food bowl.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the bassinet

Bye bye fur now

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