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Thursday, 17 October 2019

17/Oct/19 I can't tell time, what time is it

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I am typing this is a small jail cell in Scotlake.

Yes, I'm at the kennel again.

The Big Guy is supposed to come get me for 9:00 this morning.  But I'm a dog.  I can look at the Big Guy's watch, but it doesn't tell me shit.

But it's super important to him as I NEVER see him with out a watch on.

Tonya dropped me off at this place.  She said it was so that I could have fun.

Yes, I suppose I do have fun.

Yes, I did get to run around and sniff all kinds of new stuff.

Yes, I did meet a few other dogs that have been here before.

But that's not the point.

I wanted to be home while everyone else had Thanksgiving feast.

I'm sure I would have got some turkey, gravy and potatoes.  At the very least.  Then I could have just laid out like all the other humans.  Just laid there in a sleepy state while digesting the meal.

They even had some ham.  Lordy, how I would have loved to get some ham.  I don't care if it gives me the trots.  That's their problem, not mine.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is tired from being at Doggie Daycare

Bye bye fur now

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