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Sunday 23 April 2023

23/Apr/23 can we go for a walk


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday I went for two walks.

One in the morning with the Big Guy.

Second one in the evening, with the Big Guy and Tonya.

We stopped in to see Leo and Bonnie for a few minutes.

They were having their supper.

They also have a cat that was visiting.

Tonya told the Big Guy to let my leash go.

I found the cat food and ate it all up before they could take it away.

The Big Guy's new sneakers are helping him keep his feet straight.

So, right now, he is walking better.

Now, I heard the Big Guy got plans to do some yard work today.

There is some branches that needs to be trimmed.

We will see how well that goes.

After he is done trimming the branches, then he has to get rid of them.

So, he will cut them all up and put the smaller branches in the green bin.

The larger ones, he will put by the wood pile so they got wood they can burn.

They don't leave their fire pit out all year.

After each fire, and it is cold, the Big Guy dumps the ashes and puts the fire pit in the garage.

Same with his charcoal BBQ.  

That always goes in the garage.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and Tonya on the couch

Bye bye fur now

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